Home » MP Hashed addresses a question to the head of the Land and Urban Planning Authority about the plans of some areas

MP Hashed addresses a question to the head of the Land and Urban Planning Authority about the plans of some areas

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MP Hashed addresses a question to the head of the Land and Urban Planning Authority about the plans of some areas

Yemenat – special

Representative Ahmed Saif Hashed directed a question through the House of Representatives in Sana’a to the head of the General Authority for Lands and Urban Planning in Sana’a.

MP Hashed’s question included the following:

Does the Commission have plans for some areas that were approved years ago, and have not been submitted to the competent authorities? How many of these schemes and in which areas..? How long has it been since she was baptized? Why didn’t the authority remove it..?

Why does the authority refuse to officially hand over the plans to the concerned authorities in the governorates according to the system and the organizing regulations, and insists on handing them over to citizens from the authority’s office, contrary to the system and regulations..?

What about having more than one plan for one neighborhood unit that is circulated among citizens?

What is the fate of the al-Sijil al-Ainy area in Bani Matar, Sana’a governorate, which was announced by the former head of the commission? As well as the area plan that he baptized in a press conference..? Where did the registration process go? Or is it true that after you came, the office of the Commission’s branch there was closed after the registration process was in its final stage, and citizens were asked to start registration again in the Commission’s office..? And what about the news of the previous plan change..? And what are the reasons for not dropping that plan..?

What about the commission’s decision to compel real estate offices to implement infrastructure projects for the neighborhood units in which it owns lands, including paving and asphalting streets and building schools, and making that a condition for downloading the plans and a condition for the commission’s approval of the registration application for the lands of those offices..?

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What about the Commission publishing plans for neighborhood units that show that these plans will deduct approximately 60% of the citizens’ lands instead of the 25% specified by law..?

Why is the real estate registration process obstructed in front of citizens..?

A rallying question for the head of the Land Commission 2

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