Home » “Muslims of Ceuta” are waiting for Moroccan products

“Muslims of Ceuta” are waiting for Moroccan products

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“Muslims of Ceuta” are waiting for Moroccan products
Image: AFP

Hespress – Jamal AzudoudMonday, March 13, 2023 – 15:22

The approaching month of Ramadan prompted the Muslims of the occupied city of Ceuta to correspond with the local government and the representative of the Sanchez government, Rafael Garcia Rodriguez, in order to cancel restrictions on the entry of Moroccan goods and products for personal consumption.

In a correspondence reported by the local newspaper “Elvaro de Sota”, the “Halal Consumers Association of Ceuta” (Acohace) demanded “greater flexibility for the passage of food products from the borders of Trajal coming from Morocco, the abolition of restrictive measures on them, and the cessation of their confiscation and destruction.”

The association called on the authorities responsible for managing the border crossing to “be more tolerant when it comes to checking the quantities of fruits and vegetables coming from Morocco, especially during the holy month of Ramadan,” as it put it.

She justified this request by what she described as “doubling the expenses for Muslim consumers during the month of Ramadan,” noting that this situation “can be addressed if restrictions are eased at the Trakhal crossing, which will also benefit all residents in light of the high prices that the city is witnessing,” according to the same correspondent. .

Since the reopening of the Trajal crossing on May 17, residents of the occupied city of Ceuta are allowed to bring a maximum of 10 kilograms of fruits and vegetables through the crossing, a quantity that the Halal Consumers Association of Ceuta considered “small given the large number of dishes that Muslim consumers are accustomed to.” Prepare it during the month of fasting.”

This correspondence was preceded by calls from local merchants in the occupiers of Ceuta and Melilla to lift restrictions on Moroccan goods, especially fish, whose merchants called, a few days ago, to work to ensure their access to the markets, given the great demand for them as a result of their high quality and cheap price compared to fish coming from Spain.

These claims also come in light of the continued anticipation of the reactivation of the customs office at the Beni Ansar crossing and the opening of the new office at the Trajal crossing, which were included in the Moroccan-Spanish agreement, on April 7, and the experimental operations will continue as agreed upon during the high-level meeting Morocco-Spain. On the second of last February.

Moroccan products Ramadan occupied Ceuta
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