Home » Mystery surrounding the death of Madeline Soto: they find inconsistencies in the mother’s testimony

Mystery surrounding the death of Madeline Soto: they find inconsistencies in the mother’s testimony

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Mystery surrounding the death of Madeline Soto: they find inconsistencies in the mother’s testimony

The case of Madeline Soto, the 13-year-old girl who disappeared and was found dead, is shrouded in mystery as conflicting details emerge from her mother and the authorities. The main question on everyone’s mind: When and how did Madeline die?

According to Jennifer Soto, Madeline’s mother, the last time she saw her daughter was on the morning of her disappearance, when her boyfriend, Stephen Sterns, reportedly took her to school. However, Orange County Sheriff John Mina has a different theory, suggesting that Madeline was already dead by that time based on evidence collected during the investigation.

Security footage shows Sterns discarding Madeline’s belongings into a dumpster at the family’s apartment complex before supposedly taking her to school. Authorities believe that Madeline was deceased when Sterns returned to the complex with her visible in the vehicle.

Stephen Sterns, the main suspect in the case, left the scene briefly before returning after disposing of the girl’s belongings. Despite the discrepancies in the timeline of events, Jennifer Soto is not considered a suspect at this time, according to Sheriff Mina.

Kissimmee police have chosen to remain tight-lipped about the case, refusing to answer questions from the media. The investigation into Madeline Soto’s disappearance and death continues to raise numerous questions, with the exact circumstances surrounding her demise still unclear. The community awaits further developments in this tragic and perplexing case.

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