Home » No more antennas in the Tutelary Hills of Cali

No more antennas in the Tutelary Hills of Cali

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No more antennas in the Tutelary Hills of Cali

Last year, the 13th Administrative Court of the Cali circuit determined that the telecommunications antennas that have been mounted on the city’s tutelary hills should be relocated, particularly on Cerro de la Bandera, Las Tres Cruces and Cristo Rey.

The case was presented by the Attorney General’s Office, which said that the Planning Department had not complied with the provisions of the POT more than seven years ago. By 2018 and without counting Cerro de la Bandera, there were 46 antennas.

The main intention of this measure was to protect and preserve heights of Cali’s landscape and environmental value, avoiding negative repercussions on the city’s heritage.

I believe that there is a great opportunity here to centralize this infrastructure and develop a tourist attraction like in the great cities of the world. Let’s build a big telecommunication tower.

The need to develop the tower is present, and with the agreement reached with Councilwoman Alejandra Hernández, the Cali Technological Zone is the right place to fully serve the city and cause the greatest possible impact. We can locate this monument/infrastructure work in one of the sectors of Ciudad Paraiso, such as San Pascual, El Calvario, Sucre, El Piloto and El Hoyo. The fact that we are in the midst of urban renewal would make its construction more agile.

Several cities in the world have these facilities, particularly in Asia. In the capital of Japan is the Tokyo Sky Tree, the tallest communications tower on the planet, and it has two viewpoints, offices and a shopping center. The second is in the Chinese city of Canton, and there are also others in Toronto, Moscow, Shanghai and Berlin.

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The Cali Technological Zone will be prepared to offer tax benefits or incentives to any company that decides to locate in this zone. Let’s seize the opportunity.


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