Home » North Korea Fires “Several Cruise Missiles” Amid Rising Tensions and US Submarine Arrival

North Korea Fires “Several Cruise Missiles” Amid Rising Tensions and US Submarine Arrival

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North Korea Fires “Several Cruise Missiles” Amid Rising Tensions and US Submarine Arrival

North Korea Fires Cruise Missiles in Provocative Display, Analysts Believe Response to US Submarine Arrival

Seoul, South Korea – In yet another display of military aggression, North Korea has fired “several cruise missiles” into the Yellow Sea, according to a report by the Yonhap news agency. The missiles were launched between China and the Korean Peninsula, indicating a deliberate move to provoke neighboring countries and heighten tensions in the region.

The launch took place around 4 a.m. on Saturday, just three days after North Korea fired two ballistic missiles into the sea off its opposite coast. Analysts suggest that these missile launches are a direct response to the arrival of a US submarine in South Korea and a meeting between Seoul and Washington.

The recent missile launches are part of a series of weapons tests conducted by Pyongyang, reflecting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s call for more weapons development, including tactical nuclear weapons. These actions have been met with widespread condemnation from the countries in the area, as well as the United States.

Seoul and Washington’s response to North Korea’s increasing belligerence has been to strengthen their defense cooperation. Joint military exercises, involving advanced stealth aircraft and US strategic assets, have been conducted as a show of force. The US has also reinforced its “extended deterrence” promise to protect its ally South Korea and discourage North Korea from further weapons development.

As part of this effort, the USS Kentucky submarine, an atomic-powered submarine capable of carrying nuclear ballistic missiles, arrived in Busan, South Korea last week. This is the first time in 40 years that such a submarine has visited South Korea. The deployment of the submarine is seen as a significant move to reinforce defense in the region.

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However, North Korean Defense Minister Kang Sun Nam released a statement expressing concerns about the presence of a nuclear-capable submarine in South Korea, suggesting it may fall under the conditions of the use of nuclear weapons specified in North Korea’s law on nuclear force policy. This raises further concerns about the escalation of tensions in the region.

The incident comes at a time when a US soldier is believed to be in North Korean custody. Private 2nd Class Travis King is said to have been separated from a tour group visiting the Demilitarized Zone. The United States has voiced its concern over his treatment and is waiting for a response from Pyongyang.

In the midst of escalating tensions, the US and South Korea signed the Washington Declaration last April, pledging to reinforce extended deterrence and discourage North Korea’s weapons development. However, these recent missile launches demonstrate the limited success of these diplomatic efforts.

The international community continues to closely monitor the situation on the Korean Peninsula as the North Korean regime continues to flex its military muscles. Further dialogue and diplomatic efforts will be needed to de-escalate tensions and promote stability in the region.

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