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University students seek to strengthen sports in Monagas

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University students seek to strengthen sports in Monagas

Students from the different houses of study at the higher level began a great sports crusade

University students restarted sporting events

Students of the different houses of study at the higher level of the state Monagas began a great sports crusade, in order to strengthen ties College students through culture, sports and recreation, according to youth leaders from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in the entity.

Dernier Acosta, political secretary of the Guerra y Millán University Block, stated that they seek to consolidate, strengthen and link the sports bases with education, so that university students also have spaces for leisure and recreation through healthy activities.

Massify the sport

“We seek to spread university student sports, so we are working together with all public and private universities in Monaguense, deployed both to strengthen culture, sports and tourism,” said the young man.

The statements were offered during the inaugural activity held at the Freddy Bomba Campos court of the University Campus of the University of the East (UDO) from Los Guaritos, where the futsal game was played between the UDO team and the Simón Rodríguez university eleven.

Different universities are summoned according to the programming


In this regard, José Navarro, state secretary of the Federation of University Students and commissioner by the party board for the sector, stressed that these activities have been carried out jointly according to an extensive schedule, from the university bloc and the federation.

“We are giving a boost to the sector after having been inactive during the pandemic, during which time our universities were empty and today we are reactivating from these instances, the massification and promotion of sport, thanks to the support of private companies, the National Institute of Land Transportation, which has allowed us to develop all these activities and has given us some sports equipment,” Navarro asserted.

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University students work in order to massify university sports in the entity

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