Home » Our cities are taken over by crime

Our cities are taken over by crime

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Our cities are taken over by crime

There is no doubt that security will be a leading issue in this year’s political campaign. Urban centers are taken over by crime and, therefore, citizens will be eager for proposals aimed at restoring their peace of mind.

In addition to homicides, which, although they show a slight decrease, continue at very high levels, in cities like Cali people live in fear of being the victim of any form of robbery, fraud or extortion, because crime is on the prowl.

It’s not a matter of perception and it’s not something to be fought with statistics. In the neighborhoods, people know who the so-called “offices” are from where they coordinate everything from homicides to car thefts, house thefts, vaccines are imposed on merchants and drug micro-trafficking is managed.

It is not an exaggeration when it is said that even arepa sellers pay extortion, it is a reality, but very few people report it for fear of retaliation from criminals or lack of trust in the authorities.

The tentacles of illegality are getting bigger and stronger, which is why it is worrying that the authorities do not act strategically, but rather limit themselves to a merely reactive task, when what is required is an operational and intelligence offensive against crime. .

There is a lot for the mayors to do here, but it is essential that the national government prioritize the recovery of security, or else local efforts will continue to be insufficient.

Criminals have to be in jail, but really serving their sentences, not coordinating more actions against society from there. The slogan must be to rescue cities from the clutches of crime.

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