Home » “Our request has been accepted. Citizens and commuters will travel in complete safety. We ask the Commissioner for resources for a landslide safety plan in the area affected by the line” — Emilia-Romagna News

“Our request has been accepted. Citizens and commuters will travel in complete safety. We ask the Commissioner for resources for a landslide safety plan in the area affected by the line” — Emilia-Romagna News

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“Our request has been accepted.  Citizens and commuters will travel in complete safety.  We ask the Commissioner for resources for a landslide safety plan in the area affected by the line” — Emilia-Romagna News

Bologna – The railway line Faenza-Florence closed after the May flood, will reopen by the end of the year and safely.

This is the news at the end of the meeting requested by the regional transport councilor, Andrea Corsiniin which the Transport Councilor of the Tuscany Region participated, Stefano Baccellicon i mayors they administrators of the territories affected by the flooding of the Senio and the leaders of Rfi e Trenitalia Tper to put trains back into circulation on the route, while ensuring the safety of citizens and travellers.

Thanks to a landslide warning system developed by CnrNational Research Council, in collaboration with Rfi, Italian railway network, the line will then be able to restart. And in the meantime they remain replacement road services confirmed put into circulation, from the beginning of the school year, to avoid as much inconvenience to students and commuters.

“We are doing our utmost to resolve a complicated situation,” he says Corsini– which must respond positively to the right to mobility of citizens residing in the territories affected by the terrible floods in May, ensuring them the necessary tranquility and security. As we had said, in-depth studies and effective solutions were needed. The contribution and availability of the CNR and RFI technicians, whom I thank, have led to a turning point.”

“At the same time – continues the councilor – it is necessary for Commissioner Figliuolo to provide the resources, in the area concerned, for a landslide safety plan. Keeping our mountains alive and inhabited is and continues to be our commitment to an inclusive and attractive region.”

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