Home » ÖVP once again invites you to its U-committee

ÖVP once again invites you to its U-committee

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ÖVP once again invites you to its U-committee

Despite a lack of information, the parliamentary committee of inquiry launched by the ÖVP into the “red-blue abuse of power” met on Thursday. The deputies mainly noticed that the invited people did not show up. In the afternoon you want to load the same again. The proposals for a prison sentence for former Secretary General Peter Goldgruber should also be discussed. He generally refused to testify on Wednesday.

The ÖVP invited six people – all from the blue environment – for Thursday. However, everyone canceled for different reasons. Among them is the former head of cabinet of ex-Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, Reinhard Teufel. The current blue club chairman in the Lower Austrian state parliament had actually already agreed to come on Wednesday, but was then excluded and then invited back again. Now he didn’t have time.

ÖVP parliamentary group leader Andreas Hanger once again spoke to the APA of a “declaration of democratic bankruptcy” and a “mockery of parliament” through the cancellations. But he also criticized Goldgruber’s behavior on Wednesday. Kickl’s former confidant had questioned the constitutionality of this U-committee and did not answer any questions. Instead, he read out his 20-minute statement on the defecation several times.

Goldgruber’s behavior could now lead to the Constitutional Court (VfGH) having to deal with the constitutionality of the U-Committee, specifically with its subject of investigation. The FPÖ and SPÖ had previously turned to the highest court, but their request was rejected. The Constitutional Court did not consider itself authorized to do so in a statement. If the Federal Administrative Court imposes a penalty on Goldgruber, he could turn to the Constitutional Court.

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But it’s not just Goldgruber who is threatened with a penalty. Hanger announced that sanctions should also be imposed on the former blue social minister Beate Hartinger-Klein. She had also canceled her coming as a person to provide information. Other FPÖ employees – like Teufel – should be invited again. The next dates in the committee of inquiry into the “red-blue abuse of power” are on April 10th and 11th.

The ÖVP also wants to submit further additional requests for evidence at the U-Committee Day on Thursday. One of them concerns Teufel’s company car, which, according to Hanger, he should not actually have been entitled to as head of the cabinet. It should also be checked whether Kickl’s former confidant made private trips with it; according to Hanger, he drove it “around the world twice” if you look at the mileage. And the FPÖ’s “closeness to Russia” will also be examined in more detail in April.

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