Home » Pay attention, the rains are coming and the flu and respiratory diseases are increasing

Pay attention, the rains are coming and the flu and respiratory diseases are increasing

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Pay attention, the rains are coming and the flu and respiratory diseases are increasing

With the arrival of the rains again in the country and in the department of Casanare, microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria proliferate even more in the environment, facilitating the increase in Acute Respiratory Infections-ARI.

So you should take care of IRAs, as follows:

  1. Keep your entire family up to date with immunizations
  2. Use the mask correctly
  3. Sneeze or cough into your forearm
  4. Avoid exposing yourself to sudden changes in temperature
  5. Wash your hands very well with soap and water at least every two hours
  6. Avoid going near people with flu or cough symptoms
  7. Babies under 6 months should be fed exclusively with breast milk so that they acquire their defenses with this super food.
  8. Ventilate closed spaces.

In addition to these recommendations, keep in mind keeping your home and workplace disinfected, improving your diet by consuming more fruits and vegetables, drinking water and doing physical activity daily, and working on your mental health to strengthen your body.

“If our children have the flu, we should avoid sending them to school for two reasons: First, so that their state of health is not complicated, and second, to prevent other children from catching it,” explains professional Lyda Constanza Ríos Grosso, Referent for Emerging, Reemerging and neglected by the Secretariat of Health of Casanare.

The Data: The population groups that are at greater risk of complications and death from ARI are those under 5 years of age, pregnant women and those over 60 years of age, as well as people with compromised immune systems.

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Source: Secretariat of Health of Casanare

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