Home » Peru: New threats against Kakataibo community

Peru: New threats against Kakataibo community

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Peru: New threats against Kakataibo community

The Kakataibo live in voluntary isolation. Photo: Servindi

(Lima, 22.03.2023, To be served) The Association of Indigenous Kakataibo Communities (Native Federation of Kakataibo Communities, FENACOKA) complains about renewed intrusion into the indigenous reserve Kakataibo North and South. This is favored by regional and municipal authorities. According to the organization, they facilitate land grabbing by outsiders on the reserve by issuing permits to build homesteads and start businesses, and even concessions for forestry.
FENACOKA’s complaint came at a time when its President, Herlin Odicio, was receiving new death threats. “You’re due sooner or later. We haven’t forgotten you,” Odicio was warned via text message. The activist explains that he receives no protection from the state. In the past he had to leave the area to get to safety.
FENACOKA has sent several letters to the local government asking for help for the isolated Kakataibo community. So far there has been no answer. “The lives and culture of our indigenous community are at risk and we need an immediate response from the government. We must not allow them to continue to ignore our requests for help,” explained Odicio.
The organization is also calling for immediate action to be taken to prevent the adjacent coca-growing areas from further expanding and encroaching on the reserve. This would not only endanger the indigenous people, but also communities adjacent to the reserve. The northern part of the reserve is in the provinces of Ucayali and Padre Abad, while to the south it extends across the provinces of Padre Abad, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca.

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CC BY-SA 4.0 New threats against Kakataibo community by News Pool Latin America is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 international.

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