Home » Pocki: The first pocket virtual assistant that personalizes the experience from WhatsApp – news

Pocki: The first pocket virtual assistant that personalizes the experience from WhatsApp – news

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Pocki: The first pocket virtual assistant that personalizes the experience from WhatsApp – news

Respond to any request for free.

Can you imagine in a single digital channel being able to compare prices of market products, edit and create images, search for properties for purchase or rent, set reminders, search for employment, review traffic tickets, do analysis and summarize files, or simply get answers to questions of any kind? Can you also imagine that you could use them for free?

In the technological world, artificial intelligence and machine learning have reached new levels of sophistication. Pocki, the first most advanced and customizable pocket virtual assistant in Colombia, was developed entirely in the country and is one of the tools that is leading a digital revolution due to its services and easy access.

Meticulously designed to fit the individual needs and preferences of each user, it offers a unique and personalized experience. It is no longer just about providing static answers to questions, but rather about understanding each query and the needs that users have in different sectors such as employment, transportation, work, food, lifestyle, among others.

Accessibility without limits

What makes Pocki more revolutionary is its accessibility through WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging platform in Colombia. With more than 94% of Colombians using this channel to communicate, according to a study by We Are Social, Pocki becomes an omnipresent digital companion, ready to help anytime, anywhere.

What makes Pocki different?

As you interact with Pocki, it learns what the user’s needs are and also responds to the preferences and interests of each query. This ability to adapt and learn makes interaction with Pocki exceptionally fluid and natural. It’s like having a friend who knows very well what the other person wants and who is there to make daily tasks easier.

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On the other hand, Pocki is constantly evolving, so constant updates will increasingly refine the responses and different interactions that users make, making it increasingly fluid and natural. The above is aligned with the purpose of developing more services that continue to meet the expectations of Pocki users, or those who wish to contact it for the first time.

A Pocki success story occurred within the framework of the last day of voting in 2023, where it turned out to be a very effective solution. «On election day last October, we were able to be allies for people who did not know their voting place, we received more than 26,000 interactions in just one week, without advertising, brand positioning or government support, we wanted to innovate with a service and confirm that Pocki will be able to help in any situation that Colombians have,” he said. Aronategui.

Different services in one place

Pocki offers a wide range of services that helps you navigate life more easily and efficiently:

Images: Image Editor and Maker: Pocki offers advanced image creation and editing tools so users can express their creativity and design high-quality visual content.

Price comparator: Initially it allows users to compare prices of market products in different supermarkets, to find the best offer available. This service will soon be available in categories such as appliances and technology.

Fines: Review of traffic fines: simplifies the process of reviewing traffic fines in Colombia, providing users with clear and concise information about possible violations.

Real Estate: Helps users find properties for purchase or rent, providing detailed information and facilitating the search process (currently only available for purchase and soon for rent).

Reminders: Allows users to schedule reminders for everyday tasks, important events, or due dates.

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File analysis and summary: With its ability to process and understand large volumes of information, it can analyze and summarize complex files, giving users a clear and concise view of their content.

Soon this bot will have services such as “Pocki job search”, which facilitates this task for those interested in joining a job or changing jobs, allowing it to analyze multiple sources of information and find opportunities that fit the skills and experience required by each candidate. Finally, other services that will be enabled in the future are “Pocki facilitator of tourist services”, which allows you to search for tickets, accommodation or schedule activities, according to the needs and tastes of travelers.

This is how you can access Pocki:

Add the following phone number to your contacts: +57 320 5832189 and save it.

Go to Whatsapp and search for the contact. Greet with “Hello, Pocki” and wait for him to respond. Once Pocki greets you, write what you want to ask: a job offer, a nearby restaurant, an apartment or house for rent or sale, how to write an essay, among others. Pocki will respond to whatever your request may be.

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