Home » Polls predict second round in early elections – Crónica

Polls predict second round in early elections – Crónica

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Polls predict second round in early elections – Crónica

On July 13, the electoral campaign began.

On Thursday, July 13, the eight candidates for the presidency of Ecuador formally began the campaign according to the new schedule of the National Electoral Council (CNE). Pollsters make forecasts of those who lead the lists.

The electoral environment intensifies in the country. Early presidential and legislative elections are scheduled for August 20, after the decree of “cross death” issued by President Guillermo Lasso. The next government will be in power for only 18 months.

Carlos Granda Tandazo, general director of Estrategia Consultores, in dialogue with Diario Crónica, pointed out that they are about to complete a study that they are carrying out on a national scale, in the provinces of Pichincha, Guayas, Manabí, El Oro, Azuay and Loja.

However, he announced that “it is very likely that there will be a second round.”


So far, from the information collected, “el correísmo”, candidate Luisa González, occupies the top positions. “But the margin of advantage that she has over her is not going to allow her, to date, to win the elections in the first round,” she said.

In addition, he stated that the applicants Yaku Pérez and Otto Sonnenholzner would be in a technical tie, “to fight for second place.”

He clarified that this is a measurement carried out by Estrategia Consultores, “but they have not finished it yet.” In the coming weeks, they will deliver the final results.

Applicants such as Jan Topic and Fernando Villavicencio also appear among the preferences.


Regarding the environment in the province of Loja, Granda Tandazo said that Fernando Villavicencio has, “so far, a greater intention to vote.”

In the election of assembly members, it is expected “that the candidates for the presidency end up dragging the largest number of seats, that is, depending on the votes that the candidate for president has, in each province.”

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The names of the applicants in this province, who are in the first places, have not yet been announced. (YO)

Eight candidates will compete for power

Yaku Perez
Daniel Noboa
Luisa Gonzalez
Jan Topic
Otto Sonnenholzer
Bolivar Armijos
Fernando Villavicencio
Xavier Hervas

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