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Pope Francis says the Catholic Church “is open to all”

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Pope Francis says the Catholic Church “is open to all”

Pope Francis affirms that the Catholic Church is open to all, including the gay community, and that it has a duty to accompany anyone on their spiritual journey, but within the framework of its rules, reports the Reuters agency.

“The Church is open to all, but there are laws that regulate life within the Church,” said the Supreme Pontiff this Sunday during a talk with the press on board a plane bound for Rome (Italy).

His statement came in response to a journalist who highlighted the lack of coherence of Catholicism for talking about equality but not granting the same rights to women and homosexuals. “According to the legislation, they cannot participate in [algunos] sacraments. This does not mean that it is closed [para ellos]. Each person finds God in his own way within the Church, “Francis argued.

In this sense, the Pope pointed out that ecclesiastical ministers must accompany all the faithful, even those who do not conform to the rules; and they must do it with the patience and love of a mother.

Francisco, who was returning from Portugal after attending the World Youth Day celebrated by the Catholic Church, had told attendees during the event that the Church had room for everyone, “including those who make mistakes, those who fall or struggle.” .

Since the beginning of his papacy, Francis has been trying to make the Church more benevolent and less judgmental. In addition to trying to build bridges between the Catholic Church and the LGBT community, he has pushed for reforms to give women more roles, particularly in high-ranking positions in the Vatican. However, his position has struck a delicate balance between attracting more liberal believers and upsetting conservatives. with RT

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