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Pulwama conspiracy exposed…… – Naibaat

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Pulwama conspiracy exposed…… – Naibaat

It is the day of February 14, 2019 when the news of a suicide attack near Pulwama on Laitpura highway in south Pulwama district of Occupied Kashmir comes. More than 40 soldiers were killed in this attack. The paramilitary forces included in this military convoy consisting of 78 buses were on their way to deployment in Occupied Kashmir.
A few days before the attack, the campaign for the next elections in India was in full swing, and public opinion polls indicated that the Bharatiya Janata Party’s popularity had declined due to the economic downturn and the deteriorating public order situation in the country. Will not be able to come back to power. Rather, there will be a hung parliament in India once again. But as soon as the Pulwama attack happened, the situation suddenly turned around in such a way that BJP got a big victory. While it is on record that Kashmiris had warned from day one that there would be an incident that would turn BJP’s defeat into victory.
The then Governor of Occupied Kashmir, Satya Pal, is now Modi’s Lankadhai. asked us to be quiet. We had told this to a couple of channels but they said that this is our thing, let us speak and you keep quiet. I realized then that the government’s aim was to gain electoral gains by blaming Pakistan for the attack.
On March 20, 2000, during the visit of US President Bill Clinton to India and Pakistan, India killed 35 Sikhs in Chhatt Singhpura area of ​​Anantnag district of Kashmir and blamed it on the Kashmiri Mujahideen and Pakistan, later found to be their army. And what was the level of his intelligence, while the first woman Secretary of State of the United States, Madeleine Albright, also revealed in her book that Clinton suspected Hindu extremists to be involved in the Chhattisinghpura incident. Clinton said that if he traveled to India If not, all the victims of Chitta Singh would be alive.
Modi is using Indian forces as a political weapon to create another drama in the future. The Modi government is continuously promoting army officers who hold extremist Hindu ideologies. At present, 4 retired army officers are holding the posts of Governor and Lt. Governor. Naik, a Lt. Gen. Retd., who participated in Operation Prakaram 2002, was installed as the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh on 16 February 2023. Lt Gen Retired Pranaik is also accused of grabbing 12 acres of land in Rajasthan through fraud in 2009. Gurmeet Singh, a retired lieutenant general who commanded 15 corps in Srinagar and oppressed Kashmiris, was appointed as the governor of Uttarakhand state. Admiral Retired DK Joshi was installed as the Governor of Andiman and Nicobar in 2017 in view of the growing US interest in the Indian Ocean. In February 2023, Brigadier BD Mishra, who harbored hateful views against Pakistan, was appointed Lt. Governor of Ladakh. All four governors have political affiliations with the BJP and have extremist views against Pakistan. Lt Gen Retired Ranbir Singh, who announced the fake surgical strikes in September 2016, was given the Commander Northern Command in 2018 as a reward.
In April 2019, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath claimed that Bharati Sena is actually Modi Sena. In 2016, Narendra Modi appointed Bipin Rawat as the Army Chief by promoting two senior officers. Bipin Rawat had a long-standing and close relationship with RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. General Bipin Rawat was appointed Chief of Defense Staff in January 2020 in exchange for political support from the BJP. In 2015, 3 Corps under the command of Bipin Rawat claimed surgical strikes in Myanmar. In 2018 Bipin Rawat openly defended Major Gogoi who tied Farooq Ahmad Dar to an army vehicle in Kashmir. Modi was given political leverage by creating drama against China on the Doklam border in 2017 and Balakot surgical strikes in 2019.
There is an election in India next year, while Modi has announced to hold the G20 summit in Kashmir this year. Fear is being expressed continuously that Modi is trying to become the prime minister for the third time and has achieved his nefarious goals and has taken another attack against Pakistan on the occasion of the G20 meeting. He can mislead the world by conducting a false flag operation, so we have to show awareness and give a strong response to Modi’s moves.

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