Home » Rec in the streets: A day honoring the heroes of the homeland

Rec in the streets: A day honoring the heroes of the homeland

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Rec in the streets: A day honoring the heroes of the homeland

Sacred as every day that the sun falls July 20thColombians get ready to live an experience that always fills compatriots with great joy, due to the tribute that is lived in the streets, with all the revelry and the experience of a date that reminds us of the moment when everything changed in Colombia.

This is how each commemoration of one more year of independence from the Spanish crown, the streets are filled with joy, with the colors of the flag, which waves non-stop before the watchful eye of the soldiers of the homeland who parade along the tracks, with their face paint and impeccable camouflage.

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there he was rec in the streetsin the midst of a celebration that for all those present turns out to be a moment to exalt the country and its customs, for this reason, our journalist Raúl Jiménez decided to interfere in this moment of commemoration of the work carried out by the soldiers.

The party and the color took over the parade on July 20

It was not only a moment of commemoration, Colombians and people from other countries gathered to see how the armed forces of our country paraded, in which they also saw the weapons that are usually part of the landscape in some regions of the country, but that are not customary in the capital.

In addition to watching every movement made by the armed forces, the spectators dressed according to the occasion, with the Colombian national team jerseys, although the flags flew anyway, the people united in a single color, yellow, blue and red.

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The meaning of being a soldier in the July 20 parade

The armed forces are not only involved in this parade to show their weapons or their camouflage, there are also spaces in which the Army uniformed men come clean and talk about the work of protecting millions of Colombians in remote territories of our country.

“For me, being a soldier is everything,” he told Kienyke.com, one of the ‘lances’ as they say among colleagues in the Army. For this and other reasons, the national holiday ends up being a space for unity for all tastes, in which the work of protecting the country from the violence that has caused so many lives is exalted.

Observe how the celebration of July 20 is lived, in Rec en las calles:

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