Home » Red Cross Linz is looking for volunteers for Meals on Wheels

Red Cross Linz is looking for volunteers for Meals on Wheels

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Red Cross Linz is looking for volunteers for Meals on Wheels

Daily food preparation is a major challenge for quite a few people for a variety of reasons. EEssen on Wheels helps and is dependent on volunteers for this – just like Josef, who has been involved with Meals on Wheels since summer 2021. “My commitment has been well received by the people. They’re happy because I’m communicative and I take my time.” was already doing his voluntary work while he was still working. The former tram driver has since retired in August last year. “My life experience is certainly an advantage because I have been dealing with people for years. You see older people with different eyes. It’s a general maturing process,” says Josef, who tells other people uwould definitely recommend volunteering.

“You are a social contact person”

Meals are delivered in teams of two. In fact, volunteering is much more than that. one is social contact person for the clients and observes the environment and the well-being of the people within the scope of the activity. You are responsible for the timely delivery of food and, of course, for the vehicle entrusted to you. Anyone who likes to drive and likes to support people is exactly the right person for this valuable task.

Flexible Services

Services take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with a monthly service plan being drawn up that takes into account the time preferences of the volunteers. “A great team, new contacts and ideally even friends“You get landscapes included,” says the Red Cross. The activity also keeps you physically fit.

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Those interested in volunteering for Meals on Wheels run by the Red Cross Linz can find more information at [email protected] and 0732/7644-273


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