Home » Regional export tender extended to cultural industries – Enterprises

Regional export tender extended to cultural industries – Enterprises

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Regional export tender extended to cultural industries – Enterprises

An opportunity for cultural and creative industriesto conquer foreign markets. Available, as well as to companies in the sector film and audiovisual even to those who carry out activities cultural and musicalnon-repayable loans for 7 million euros to support projects capable of facilitating access to new markets and new sales channels, especially digital ones, strengthening the function of foreign trade. This with the announcement put in place by Region to diversify the international outlet markets and strengthen the export propensity of the Emilia-Romagna production system.

Integration to the tender that expands the audience of beneficiaries

The decision of expand the number of beneficiariesextending it precisely also to the creative and cultural industries of Emilia-Romagna, came from the Regional Council, during the last session, which approved an addition to the tender already approved in the last few weeks. The measure will go to support export promotion projects, through the participation in exhibitions and promotional events, abroad and in Italy, of international importance, both face-to-face and virtual. The regional contribution, which used European resources Pr Fesr 2021-2027he was born in 70% of the project costs up to a maximum of 25 thousand euros.

“An extraordinary opportunity also for the production sectors of creativity and culture in Emilia-Romagna. Many operators and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises which are naturally watched and can watch the international markets with interest – said the regional councilor for Culture and Landscape, Mauro Felix-. We thought it appropriate to extend the conditions already established for the cinematographic and audiovisual sector also to the companies and subjects they carry out cultural and musical activities, also recognizing fairs, markets, festivals, B2B and international events as eligible. An important goal for which I have to thank the Councilor for Economic Development, Vincenzo Colla”.

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The notice

The measure has among its objectives: favoring access to new outlet markets and/or consolidate the presence on markets in which the companies have already implemented interventions; increase the knowledge and use of digital channels for promotion and sales, strengthening the export capacity of companies; produce direct and indirect employment effects, and positive effects on the territory in terms of economic impact. Among the requirements of the projects, for a minimum value of 5 thousand eurosthat of providing for participation in one or more exhibitions or promotional events in Italy or abroad.

Expenses for direct participation also in fairs in Italy (only if qualified as international) or abroad are admitted, as well as participation in promotional events organized by third parties (e.g. B2B, tastings, fashion shows, conferences with exhibitors..)

Applications must be submitted on the Sphinx IT platform starting as early as March: eligible expenses are those incurred from 1 January 2023, except for advances for exhibition spaces.

> The notice

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