Home » Reservoir level for nuclear power plants not yet critical – DW – 09.06.2023

Reservoir level for nuclear power plants not yet critical – DW – 09.06.2023

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Reservoir level for nuclear power plants not yet critical – DW – 09.06.2023

The essentials in brief:

  • IAEA: Reservoir water continues to cool Zaporizhia NPP
  • Water level in the Kachowka reservoir continues to fall
  • Russia: Battles in Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions
  • The Kremlin is again threatening to end the grain deal
  • Selenskyj: “Terrorists” attack rescue workers

Even after the partial destruction of the Kakhovka dam, the Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporizhia continues to receive water from its reservoir for cooling its fuel elements. That confirmed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). An examination showed that the pumping process “can continue even if the level falls below the current threshold of 12.7 meters”, which had previously been classified as critical. The Atomic Energy Agency set a level of “eleven meters or even below” as the new critical value.

This gives us “a little more time before we may have to switch to other sources of supply,” said IAEA chief Rafael Grossi, who plans to visit the nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine again next week. If necessary, the nuclear power plant can fall back on “a large catchment basin nearby, as well as smaller reserves and wells on site that can supply cooling water for several months,” explained Grossi. Nevertheless, the situation remains “very uncertain and potentially dangerous,” emphasized the Argentine.

Water level continues to fall in the Kachowka reservoir

After the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in the Cherson war zone in southern Ukraine, the water level in the reservoir continues to fall. Since the disaster on Tuesday, the level has risen by almost five meters
11.7 meters – as of Friday morning – dropped, said the state hydroelectric power plant operator Ukrhydroenergo in Kiev. The water drops about a meter in 24 hours. The
State-owned companies also pointed out that the dam wall, which has not yet completely collapsed, continues to burst. The aim now is to dam the water of the Dnipro in the reservoirs above the Kachowka station in order to have reserves for the summer.

View of the flooded streets of Kherson Bild: Libkos/AP Photo/picture alliance

In the Ukrainian-controlled part of the Kherson region, however, the flood waters have fallen by 20 centimeters compared to Thursday, according to the Ukrainian military governor of the region, Olexander Prokudin. The level shows 5.38 meters. 32 villages and more than 3600 houses are under water. More than 2000 people and hundreds of animals were brought to safety. Prokudin called on people to leave their flooded homes.

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Ukraine: Russia is responsible for dam destruction

Ukrainian authorities want evidence proving that Russia is responsible for the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. A corresponding telephone call by Russian soldiers was recorded, the Ukrainian secret service said. It shows that the enemy blew up the hydroelectric power station and the dam in the southern Ukrainian Oblast of Kherson. The secret service published the alleged recording of a one-and-a-half-minute phone call on its online service Telegram. On the other hand, Russia claims that the dam was destroyed by Ukrainian shelling. The information cannot be verified independently.

Russia: Heavy fighting in Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions

The Russian army reports heavy fighting in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Zaporizhia. 21 Ukrainian tanks were destroyed in battles at key points on the front, it said. Russian military bloggers write that there is intense fighting on the front in Zaporizhia near the city of Orikhiv. Ukraine is trying to break through Russian defenses there and drive a wedge between Russian forces.

Ukraine reported new night attacks by Russia. A total of ten of 16 drones and four cruise missiles were shot down, the air force said on Friday morning in Kiev. There had previously been air alerts across the country. In the city of Uman in the central Ukrainian region of Cherkasy, eight people were injured, two of them seriously, when two rockets hit, according to the authorities.

Selenskyj: “Terrorists” attack rescue workers

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Selenskyj has accused Russia of aggravating the humanitarian catastrophe that arose after the dam’s destruction. “Russian terrorists” fired at rescue workers and evacuation points, Zelenskyj reported in a video speech. Corresponding videos appeared in the media on Thursday.

Ukraine |  war |  Kahovka dam breach
Enclosed by masses of water: resident of Cherson Image: Igor Burdyga/DW

Selenskyj also addressed the drinking water problem caused by the emptying of the reservoir and the pollution of the groundwater. There could be inconveniences, but the supply of drinking water would be secured, the 45-year-old promised. “The decisions are there, the resources are there, the money is there.”

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Red Cross rejects criticism of the President

The Red Cross has rejected the accusation by the Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelenskyj that the aid organization is not doing enough for the people in the flooded areas. “Of course we are already there, we were already there,” said the Secretary General of the German branch DRK, Christian Reuter, the TV station Welt. “Currently, more than 70 volunteers from the Ukrainian Red Cross are trying to save people from the floods.” In total, several hundred members of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are deployed in Ukraine. “So it’s definitely not the case that we don’t do anything,” emphasized Reuter.

The first aid transport from Germany started this Friday with goods for the people in the areas affected by the tsunami, as a DRK spokeswoman said. 34 pallets are loaded with around 13.3 tons of relief supplies such as 5,400 ten-liter drinking water canisters and 1,000 hygiene kits. Further aid measures for the region would be prepared. The DRK called for donations for this.

Devastating damage after dam destruction in Ukraine

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Russia is again threatening to end the grain deal

The Russian leadership has once again threatened to end the United Nations (UN)-Turkey-brokered deal that allows grain and oilseed exports across the Black Sea despite the war in Ukraine. Russia is continuing consultations with the UN, says the Russian ambassador to Turkey, according to the RIA news agency. However, there is no basis for extending the agreement. If the Kremlin continued to block, the deal would expire in July.

The British Ministry of Defense reports, referring to the secret service, that Russia is already hindering the Ukrainian grain experts by deliberately slowing down the controls. Currently, only one or two ships are checked per day – in the autumn of last year, however, it was between six and eight ships.

“Russia is likely to seek concessions regarding the reopening of the Tolyatti-Odessa pipeline, through which Russia exports ammonia through Ukraine via Odessa,” the British statement said. The fact that the pipeline has been damaged in the past few days and is currently not in operation complicates the situation.

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Ambassador of Germany condemns air raids

Germany’s ambassador in Kiev, Anka Feldhusen, regards the Russian airstrikes on the Ukrainian capital “definitely as terror”. In her view, however, the attacks do not break the Ukrainian will to fight. “Despite the tiredness that sometimes appears, nobody can be worn down here,” Feldhusen told the editorial network Germany (RND).

The diplomat reported that the air defenses in the Ukrainian capital are very effective. “Kiev is mostly attacked by cruise missiles and drones, but Ukraine’s air defenses have been almost 100 percent effective since January. That means there’s not that much fear of a missile actually hitting the ground.” Nevertheless, people would be injured or killed by falling debris from the rockets fired. Germany is also supporting Ukraine with anti-aircraft systems to ward off the Russian attack.

Ukraine Kyiv |  attacks |  anti-aircraft
Effective: anti-aircraft defenses over Kiev (archive photo)Bild: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP Photo/picture alliance

Biden and Sunak rely on aid and deterrence

The US and UK have reiterated their long-term support for Ukraine. Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin believes the alliance will tire and give up, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said at a Press conference at the White House in Washington. “But that is not the case.” You will be there for Ukraine as long as it is necessary. US President Joe Biden said that long-term support is also being used to “deter future aggression”. Give Russia-attacked Ukraine what it needs on the battlefield now and help strengthen its military for the long term.

Justice confirms entry ban for ex-F1 driver Masepin

Russian racing driver Nikita Masepin’s return to Formula 1 is becoming increasingly unlikely. The British judiciary confirmed an entry ban for the 24-year-old, whose contract with the US racing team Haas was terminated shortly after Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Masepin, once a teammate of German Mick Schumacher, and his father were subsequently placed on the EU’s sanctions list.

wa/fw/se/AR (dpa, afp, rtr)

This article will be continuously updated on the day of its publication. Reports from the combat zones cannot be independently verified.

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