Home » Roberto González Vaesken does not rule out running again

Roberto González Vaesken does not rule out running again

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Roberto González Vaesken does not rule out running again

The governor of Alto Paraná, Roberto González Vaesken.

The outgoing governor of Alto Paraná, Roberto González Vaesken, who resumed his position as rector of the Universidad Privada del Este since yesterday, does not rule out the possibility of running for an elective position in the future, according to what he said. “Starting this Friday the 11th, at 5:30 p.m., in a protocol ceremony, I will resume my duties as rector of the university that we have been managing with my family. Logically, as a passionate politician, I could run for office again; but, we are going to see that later, since, for now, from Friday I am going to dedicate myself to what I did before being governor, ”he explained.

The departmental executive, who will hand over the command next Tuesday, August 15, to César “Landy” Torres, of the same political persuasion, celebrated the fact that the institution will continue under the administration of the Colorado Party. “We are going to deliver all the documentation and the command to Landy and I am pleased that the Alto Paraná Governorate is administered by another colorado. We are going to collaborate in everything we can from wherever we are, ”he remarked.

He reiterated that, as a politician, he will always be in this sphere and will analyze, in due course, he said, whether or not to appear in an electoral bid. “I will always be active in politics and we will see how the circumstances present themselves. I declined my candidacy for the Senate, as everyone knows, due to a health issue. I had a very strong anemia and the health professionals recommended that I step aside, I listened to them. However, as a politician, at any moment we will appear again in the partisan and political arena, ”he stressed.

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