Home » San Giorgio, overturns onto the A5 and ends up in the middle of the fields

San Giorgio, overturns onto the A5 and ends up in the middle of the fields

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San Giorgio, overturns onto the A5 and ends up in the middle of the fields

Woman in yellow code to Giovanni Bosco, but it is not serious

SAN GIORGIO CANAVESE. He goes off the road alone and overturns in the fields between San Giorgio and Volpiano. The accident occurred this morning on the A5 Turin-Aosta motorway towards Turin. The car, a Renault Captur, ended up in the countryside. Driving it was a woman, now in yellow code at Giovanni Bosco in Turin. Helicopter rescue also landed on her place, but it was enough to take her away in an ambulance. It will be up to the traffic police officers of the Settimo Torinese subsection to reconstruct the incident in detail.

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