Home » San Giusto, the villa of the boss of the ‘Ndrangheta cleared

San Giusto, the villa of the boss of the ‘Ndrangheta cleared

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San Giusto, the villa of the boss of the ‘Ndrangheta cleared

Inside were his wife and son who did not put up any resistance Josè Fava (Libera): “We hope that Piedmont will increase reused assets”

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A blitz conducted by carabinieri and police, at dawn on Wednesday 7 September, allowed the evacuation of the villa in via Cardinale della Lanze, in San Giusto Canavese, which previously belonged to Giuseppe Fazari, convicted of mafia-type association, considered the godfather of local of San Giusto, and subjected to confiscation in 2015. But until now it had not been possible to complete the process. The building was occupied by two people. The operation of the carabinieri was resolved without tension: the wife and son of the former owner, in fact, did not resist. Fazari had been sentenced to eight years and eight months of imprisonment, the sentence reduced to 8 years on appeal and confirmed by the Supreme Court in 2015. He has already served his sentence.

Satisfaction with the successful outcome of the operation was immediately expressed by the mayor Giosi Boggio and by the contact person of Libera Piemonte, the association against the mafias, Josè Fava: now it is the National Agency for assets confiscated from the mafia that has possession of them for the purpose of social use. As already happened for the villa-bunker that belonged to the boss of international drug trafficking Nicola Assisi, arrested in Brazil in 2018, with his eldest son Patrick, after a long golden hiding, the former residence of Fazari will be used for activities in the field of assistance to minors, or to people with psychological distress, while Libera Piemonte should carry out awareness raising activities.

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An apartment is also being assigned, located in a residential complex in vicolo San Marco, definitively confiscated in 2019, which had belonged to a convict for crimes related to drug trafficking. During a meeting held in the Prefecture in Turin, the municipal administration had offered its willingness to manage the property. Meanwhile, Josè Fava recalls “that last July 19, the thirtieth anniversary of the Via D’Amelio massacre, the agenda of the directors Diego Sarno and Domenico Rossi was approved by the Regional Council of Piedmont, which proposes effective tools and funds necessary for the social reuse of confiscated assets. An agenda that incorporates many of the points proposed by Libera Piemonte and the University of Turin and elaborated in the Beni in Rete path. We believe it is an important step forward in the complex path of social reuse of confiscated assets and in the support of public bodies and the third sector, which we hope will lead Piedmont to increase the percentage of assets returned to the community ».

The agenda provides for the annual publication of the call, committing a sum of no less than the 450,000 euros already foreseen for 2022 and 2023, an agreement with the Prefectures to extend access to funds to third sector entities as well, now envisaged. only for local authorities, the recognition of priority, in the allocation of funds in regional tenders, to projects that will take place within the confiscated assets, the provision, in the training offer to administrators, of a socialization of tools of intercommunality, co-planning and shared administration as good practices to ensure better management of confiscated assets, also activating a regional control room. In Canavese there are 26 properties confiscated from the ‘Ndrangheta, to which three companies must be added: one in Agliè, a bar in Volpiano and another and Salassa. Of these, only five have been reused so far. “A fact that is certainly not comforting: – adds Fava – the assignment of confiscated assets based on law 196 of 1996, should be a priority, as it is an indicator of the victory of the state over the mafias. Instead the percentage of assignment is only 20% ». –

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