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Satena must improve the service

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Satena must improve the service


We all know the capital importance that tourism development has for a region that presents tourist attractions that are recognized in the national and international context. This sector has become a generator of progress, development and employment that contributes to strengthening the country’s GDP. From the moment in which the insurgent group of the Farc made the decision to suspend its warmongering actions, in some regions of Colombia, where Huila is included, the growth indicators began to be reflected with the increase in the number of visitors. to the main tourist attractions of the department. We must recognize the government efforts of the departmental administration and some municipal mayors, who have managed to structure action plans to boost this important line of the regional economy.

For this, it is important that the regions have favorable conditions in terms of infrastructure and connectivity to provide their own and foreign visitors with adequate transportation, which allows them to enjoy the beautiful tourist attractions that our Huilense territory has. It has been a permanent and incessant struggle of all the active forces of the South Colombian region, so that there is adequate air connectivity between Pitalito, Neiva and the other towns in the country. Since previous years, some airlines have had the intention of providing this service, and it is thus that thanks to the pressure of said actors from Huilense society, it was possible for Satena to provide such services. But not everything has been rosy.

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Once this state company started this air transport, to integrate the capital of the Republic and the Laboyana city, non-compliances began to be generated, in said service, reflecting the anguish of passengers and permanent users who, for business reasons , they must move to this South Colombian region. For this reason, some sectors of opinion in the region have addressed a letter of protest to Brigadier General Oscar Zuluaga Castaño, president of Satena, where they inform him of the serious concerns that this airline presents, given the frequent breaches and poor service on its route. to and from Pitalito.

For approximately 8 years, this airline has been providing this air transport, which has generated a commitment and attachment that the South Colombian region has with it. The foregoing is reflected in the high passenger demand that occurs and that unfortunately, in recent months, this service has become a true ordeal for users, due to the uncertainty in meeting their frequencies set in advance and the lousy service provided. These complaints have become repetitive, which deserves to be corrected these anomalies that belie much of the image of this state airline.

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