Home » Sensitive moment! Burns will be the new U.S. ambassador to China. Beijing is very big? | Burns | New U.S. Ambassador to China | Expert on Soviet Issues | U.S. Undersecretary of Political Affairs

Sensitive moment! Burns will be the new U.S. ambassador to China. Beijing is very big? | Burns | New U.S. Ambassador to China | Expert on Soviet Issues | U.S. Undersecretary of Political Affairs

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[Voice of Hope December 17, 2021](Comprehensive report by our reporter Zhang Lili)At the moment when Western countries headed by the United States are offering a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the senior US diplomat Nicholas Burns has recently passed the certification of the Federal Senate and became the new appointment of the United States.Ambassador to China.He once described the CCP as an “aggressor,” and advocated that the United States allies should jointly respondTo the Chinese Communist Party.

Since the former ambassador Terry Branstad stepped down in October last year, the position of the U.S. ambassador to China has beenThis is the first time since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.And Burns, 65, on the 16thThe Senate was certified by a 75:18 vote, filling the gap that had been vacant for 14 months.lack.

Burns, who is fluent in French, Arabic and Greek, has been engaged in diplomatic work for 27 years.Expert on Soviet issues. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO in 2001, and in 200From 5 years to 2008, he served as the Undersecretary of Political Affairs of the United States, and also served as President Clinton’sSpokesperson of the State Department, currently a professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.

It is reported that Burns has a close relationship with President Biden and Secretary of State Blincol.During the general election, he was invited by Blinken to join Biden’s foreign policy team.

Regarding the position on the issue of China, Burns agrees with Biden and Brinken.In attendance todayAt the Senate’s nomination hearing in October 2010, he said that the CCP isIn the relations between Japan and the Philippines, they have always been the “aggressors” and the “invaders” in the Indo-Pacific region.Flying domineering”.

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He also believes that China (the Communist Party) is the greatest geopolitical test of the United States in the 21st century, so heThe hearing promised that if he is elected ambassador to China, he will lead the U.S. and the CCP in a fierce battlecompete.

In addition, Burns, who went to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, was still at the hearing.Said that he especially remembered that the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party had done something to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world.Promises, but then they all violated one by one.Therefore, he said, “If this is related to the Taiwan issue,If we look at it together, obviously, we can’t believe the CCP’s commitment on the Taiwan issue.。”

Burns is the first American ambassador to China to serve as a professional diplomat in 26 years.According to external analysis, Biden’s nomination of Burns as ambassador to China shows that Biden is trying to build the US-ChinaA new model of diplomatic interaction, hoping to use clearer diplomatic signals to convey information,Deal with events in a professional way. Some analysts also pointed out that Burns will be “A faithful executor of Blincoln’s foreign policy”.

Biden nominated Burns as ambassador to China in August of this year, but Republican Senator LuBiot blocked the vote on the grounds that Burns “does not understand the threat of the CCP”.It was not released until recently.

The Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez, said that the Chinese (Communist) nation is now fully challenging the United States,Power, politics, diplomacy, economy, military, and even culture destroy the international society at almost all levelsstability. Therefore, he believes that when dealing with the difficult task of U.S.-China relations,Burns’ experience is “critical.”

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The United States and many other countries have recently announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics.And whether Burns will beThe Winter Olympics went to China to take office, which attracted much attention from the outside world.

Editor in charge: Zhang Xin

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