Home » September 26, 2023.. Lessons to learn and an assessment station

September 26, 2023.. Lessons to learn and an assessment station

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September 26, 2023.. Lessons to learn and an assessment station


Dr. Arif Al-Hajj

1- September 26 was transformed from political ownership by the elite to societal ownership by the people…for children and for the simple popular base.

2- The Yemeni people have strong republican sensitivity and jealousy.

3- The Yemeni people have a stronger political awareness than the awareness of their rulers.

4- Brotherhood, cohesion and solidarity among Yemenis is the basis.

5- Hatred and racism are diseases that appear when the nation becomes ill.

6- There is a common ground among Yemenis, which is the republican identity.

7- Allowing the rulers to tamper with the country is a major sin.

8 – The Yemenis are truly republicans by nature, and some of them may deviate from the republic and become apostates.

9- Science and learning are an effective weapon for building a nation and destroying the priesthood.

10 – A truly non-regional, non-sectarian republican is truly democratic.

From the writer’s wall on Facebook

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