Home » She returns home, finds the thieves and is attacked and robbed of five thousand euros

She returns home, finds the thieves and is attacked and robbed of five thousand euros

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She returns home, finds the thieves and is attacked and robbed of five thousand euros

She returns home, finds the thieves and is robbed. It happened in Cordignano around 10. The 43-year-old woman was attacked by two men who, shortly before her return, had broken into her house to steal.

As soon as she opened the door of the house, the 43-year-old found herself in front of the two bandits with their faces covered. Seeing the woman, the two thieves, who were not armed, pushed her violently, making her fall to the floor. Terrified, the woman was forced to hand over about five thousand euros in cash that she kept in the house.

Having obtained the loot, the two bandits fled on foot along the fields behind the house.
The woman, as soon as she recovered, immediately called the carabinieri who went in search of the criminals. For now, no news.
The victim of the robbery did not need to resort to emergency care.

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