Home » Sihong County Daudao Street: The “trilogy” of reading, enjoying and talking about helps party members develop new theories in winter training_China Jiangsu Net – jsnews.jschina.com.cn

Sihong County Daudao Street: The “trilogy” of reading, enjoying and talking about helps party members develop new theories in winter training_China Jiangsu Net – jsnews.jschina.com.cn

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Local Party members in various counties and districts in Jiangsu province have been engaging in rigorous winter training, utilizing a unique combination of reading, enjoyment, and discussion to develop new theories and strengthen party building.

In Sihong County, Daudao Street, the “trilogy” of reading, enjoying, and talking about various topics has been integral to the winter training program for Party members. This approach has been instrumental in developing new theories and promoting development within the county.

Similarly, in Rudong County, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has fired the “starting gun” for the 2024 winter training for Party members. Multiple measures have been implemented to strengthen party building and promote development within the county.

Meanwhile, in Zhuhu Town, Sihong County, the winter training program has been described as “Winter Training Reading and Enjoyment,” with the goal of revitalizing and writing a new chapter for Party members in the area.

Xiting Town in Tongzhou District, Nantong City has also been active in its winter training efforts, with a focus on continuous learning.

In Zhuhu Town, Sihong County, the use of “three additions” has ignited the “fire” of winter training for Party members, further emphasizing the importance of theory development and intellectual engagement.

The diverse approaches to winter training in different areas of Jiangsu province reflect the commitment of Party members to continuous learning and improvement. Utilizing a combination of reading, enjoyment, and discussion has proven to be an effective method for developing new theories and promoting development within local Party organizations.

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