Home » Social eyes better than cameras Get rid of the protruding nails from children’s games

Social eyes better than cameras Get rid of the protruding nails from children’s games

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Social eyes better than cameras Get rid of the protruding nails from children’s games

In Borgofranco a user reports on Facebook the bad conditions of the park in via Guido Rossa and the Municipality takes action


Following the report received from a citizen, the municipal administration has arranged for the arrangement of the wooden planks unhooked from a structure installed in the playground in Via Guida Rossa. It is a very popular green area, where parents bring their children to play outdoors and socialize with other children.

“I think a little maintenance on our playground is a must.” So she recited the concise post published on Facebook, a couple of days ago, in the group dedicated to the country. Above all, the series of photographs which showed, in detail, rusty nails sprouting from the wooden boards, weeds creeping at the base of the games, on the anti-trauma carpets, and benches to be maintained, spoke in an exhaustive way. For his part, the mayor Fausto Francisca is keen to clarify: “We intervened as quickly as possible to restore the game in question and ensure its usability in complete safety.” However, other critical issues also emerged from the comments on the post. In particular, insufficient controls in the face of abnormal attendance or improper use of play areas, and related attractions, by older children without children in tow. What could lead to a deterioration of the structures. Not only that, dog owners have been reported who regularly take their furry friends to litter in the lawn where children run, jump and explore the surrounding environment.

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«Our attention is maximum – says Francisca – but we have to deal with the limited economic resources we have available and with the shortage of personnel. Not having video surveillance and traffic police on night service to check that no improper use is made of the areas intended for children – she added – we reported the problem to the carabinieri, who do everything possible “.

In the future it is not excluded that video cameras will be activated near the playground, located between the swimming pool and the vaccination center. Francisca again: «In the past, a video surveillance system was active in the village (not in this area ndr) that we intend to restore and strengthen to increase security in the country ». In addition to the playground in via Guido Rossa, in Borgofranco there are two other areas dedicated to children: one in the hamlet of Bajo Dora, the other in the hamlet of San Germano. The latter, set up in Piazza Sandro Pertini and built with a regional contribution of ten thousand euros, to which the Municipality added two thousand for the construction of the fence, was inaugurated last April, with a plaque in memory of Enrico Benone, a boy fifteen years old, resident in Bajo Dora, who tragically passed away on July 28, 2000. That afternoon Enrico was playing with his old friends, on a concrete pitch in the hamlet. And for fun he had slipped into a large concrete cylinder, one meter in diameter and six tons of weight, then letting himself be pushed and rolled. The tube, however, had split and crushed him, leaving no way out. –

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