Home » Student who died on a school trip, USR Calabria: “In Denise’s name we are committed to restoring the truth to what happened”

Student who died on a school trip, USR Calabria: “In Denise’s name we are committed to restoring the truth to what happened”

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Student who died on a school trip, USR Calabria: “In Denise’s name we are committed to restoring the truth to what happened”

“The tragedy of Denise’s death overwhelms the whole world of the School together with her family and every word of condolence fails to give shape to the tumult of emotions that flows from the souls of an entire community”: he writes it in a note of condolence for the death of the young student on a school trip the regional school office for Calabria.

Every young person who dies takes away vital energies from an entire society, but when a tender existence is snatched from lightheartedness and exuberance by the fatality of the tragedy there is no way to lighten the collective responsibilities, since that death indelibly affects the consciences”adds the general manager Antonella Iunti.

Non there is no argument capable of relieving the state of pain deep that in this sad moment envelops everyone in a cold embrace and mute. The School gathers around the family and in the name of Denise we will continue to strive to restore the truth to what happened” concludes the note.

Rafting on a school trip, dinghy capsizes. Found the body of the missing 18-year-old. Valditara: “My condolences to Denise’s parents”

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