Home » Students reportedly intoxicated with marijuana cupcakes

Students reportedly intoxicated with marijuana cupcakes

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Students reportedly intoxicated with marijuana cupcakes

The Diocesan Capital of Huila is on alert after ten young people from an educational institution were transferred to the ESE María Auxiliadora and the San Vicente de Paul Hospital, apparently after consuming cupcakes that contained marijuana.

According to known information, the young people began to feel unwell after eating the cupcakes suspected of containing the illicit substance. One of the youth, a girl, suffered from vomiting and fainting after eating the cake. The other youths also reported similar symptoms and were taken to the hospital for treatment.

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Authorities in Garzón, Huila, have launched an investigation into the incident to determine how the cupcake was made and how it ended up in the hands of the youth.

This incident has raised concerns among the school community and parents about the safety of their children.

Authorities advise parents to talk to their children about the dangers of drug use and to be alert to any food their children may receive from other people.

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