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Teacher hit by dots: the student’s parents ready to sue for defamation and moral damages

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Teacher hit by dots: the student’s parents ready to sue for defamation and moral damages

The family of the student accused of shooting a teacher in Rovigo with an air pistol could file a defamation lawsuit.

The announcement comes from their lawyer, the lawyer Nicola Bergamini, following the statements made by Professor Maria Cristina Finatti. The lawyer at Ansa states: “The pupil met the teacher at school and apologized, and also the parents. Until now, the family has never wanted to expose themselves, in order not to feed the media process, but the presence of the teachers in the media is constant “

The family of the accused young man disputes the teacher’s statements, claiming that they are circulating “false news” regarding the episode. The lawyer announced that the pupil’s parents could take both criminal and civil action for defamation and moral damages.

According to what was reconstructed by the family on the events that occurred from October until today, “It was highlighteda – continues Bergamini – that the information provided by Finatti on their son is absolutely inaccurate, if not downright false. The episode is not disputed, but the teacher says that the boys have not repented, they have not apologized, there has not been a re-education process, and still today they live peacefully without punishment. This is not true”.

The lawyer then pointed out that the boy who actually fired “He has apologized personally and together with his family on several occasions since the day of the episode. As soon as he got home that day, he sent an email to the teacher, who had dropped out of school, immediately apologizing to him, asking for a telephone contact to schedule a meeting to apologize in person. Professor Finatti replied after an hour, she appreciated that the boy had realized the seriousness of the fact and had accepted the apology, so much so that he did not consider a personal meeting necessary ”.

The teacher then pointed out Bergamini “in the days following the shootings she was never at home, the pupil met her at school and apologized again. The parents went to the school to apologize.”

What the family disputes about Finatti “is that she repeats that she feels abandoned, she always speaks in a generic way about school. We complain because she is causing damage to the boy, portrayed as a ‘monster’. Yet he has done and is continuing to do volunteer work, because he thinks the re-education path is right. Since the teacher’s presence in the media is constant, the media and TVs deal with it. She says the boys did it to show off on social media, but the boy has never been featured on any social network. If we continue to generalize about the boy’s conduct that is not true of the boy, the family will want to protect the boy’s image, both in criminal and civil proceedings”he concluded

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The dispute is strengthened with the intervention of the family lawyer, who questions the veracity of the teacher’s statements The claim that the boy expressed remorse and apologized is disputed, fueling an ever-growing tension between the parties involved .

The episode has become the subject of widespread debate and media attention, with opinions divided between those who support the teacher and those who believe in the position of the boy’s family. As the investigation proceeds, the potential lawsuit adds yet another layer of complexity to an already sensitive case.

The possibility of a lawsuit from the boy’s family looms as a new twist in this controversial story, adding an element of tension to the already tangled scenario.

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