Home » The alleged murderer of two journalists in Magdalena was released

The alleged murderer of two journalists in Magdalena was released

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The alleged murderer of two journalists in Magdalena was released

There is outrage in Magdalena over the judicial decision that released the alleged murderer of two journalists from that region of the country.

This is Carlos Mario Fonseca Ceballos, accused of murdering social communicators and journalists Dilia Contreras and Leiner Montero in August 2022.

The double crime occurred on a road that leads from the township of Santa Rosa de Lima, to the municipality of Fundación, in Magdalena. The professionals traveled in a vehicle to their homes after participating in the festivities of the territory.

According to the information that came out in the local media, the alleged murderer of the two journalists was released due to the expiration of his terms.

“In all this, this office resolves to declare freedom in favor of Mr. Carlos Mario Fonseca Ceballos, in which he is accused of the crimes of attempted homicide and illegal possession of firearms,” ​​said the judge of the cited case. by the local outlet Hoy Diario del Magdalena.

It is noteworthy that the alleged murderer is also accused of attempted homicide, because a third professional was in the car in which the journalists were traveling, who after being wounded with a firearm managed to flee the scene.

The relatives of the fatal victims expressed their astonishment with the judge’s decision to release the alleged murderer of the journalists. In addition, they indicated that there was apparently negligence on the part of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation in this case.

According to the reactions shared by the aforementioned local media, the families fear that this case will go unpunished.

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“They released the person involved because let’s say there were a series of problems that were in their favor,” said Orlando Javier Contreras, brother of the murdered journalist, quoted by the Magdalena newspaper Hoy.

For her part, the woman’s mother assured that her hopes were placed in the Prosecutor’s Office, but she was disappointed and now she fears that justice will not be done for the death of her daughter.

“We did not have a lawyer because the Prosecutor’s Office was the one who was supposedly in charge of the case and today, the judge makes this decision that overwhelms us with sadness knowing that the death of my daughter can go unpunished,” he said.

The murder of the two journalists in Magdalena

In the early hours of Sunday, August 28, 2022, the murder of the two journalists identified as Leiner Montero and Dilia Contreras was recorded, in the municipality of Fundación, Magdalena.

According to what was known at the time, Montero was director of the Sol Digital Stereo station and Contreras worked for La Bocina Col.

Around 2:30 am that Sunday, both of them, along with Joaquín Alberto Gutiérrez, were going back to their homes in Montero’s car.

At kilometer 3 of the road to the municipal capital, men aboard a motorcycle intercepted them and the grill man opened fire against all the occupants of the vehicle from outside.

At the scene of the events, Leiner Montero and Dilia Contreras died, while Gutiérrez was seriously injured, for which he was transferred to the municipal hospital in Fundación. The vehicle was stranded on the side of the road.

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The authorities, at the time, assured that they would initiate an investigation process to clarify the facts. According to Colonel Andrés Serna, commander of the Magdalena Police, Leiner Montero was involved in a fight that took place hours before during the patron saint festivities; however, it was unknown if the homicide was related to that event.

Among other hypotheses that the authorities handled, an attempted robbery or that the fact was related to the exercise of journalists of the occupants of the car were not ruled out. with Infobae

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