Home » The Arab League rewards the Syrian regime by returning it to its fold, ignoring its atrocities against the Syrian Arab people

The Arab League rewards the Syrian regime by returning it to its fold, ignoring its atrocities against the Syrian Arab people

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The Arab League rewards the Syrian regime by returning it to its fold, ignoring its atrocities against the Syrian Arab people

Mohamed Sharky

Arab public opinion states that when the Syrian people took to the streets coinciding with the revolutions of the Arab Spring, they did not intend to overthrow the regime, similar to the intention of other Arab peoples. One of the most powerful tyrannical regimes in the Arab world, but the latter, under the influence of the premonition of fall and collapse like other tyrannical regimes in the Arab world, went far in oppressing the people, and practiced atrocities against them that the tongue cannot describe due to the severity of their brutality, including the use of weapons and phosphorus bombs Internationally prohibited, incendiary barrels, field executions, displacement, rape, looting and looting, and the destruction of people and urban alike, and its atrocities ended with thousands of victims and detainees, and millions of forcibly displaced persons fleeing from the hell of an unbearable regime, in full view of the entire world, which His positions did not go beyond expressions of denunciation and denunciation of high crimes to the classification of war crimes that require international accountability.

And this regime has found support from the Iranian Shiite regime, which the West handed over the land of Iraq after its invasion on a platter of gold, to complete what was called the Shiite crescent, and one of its goals is the liquidation of Sunni Muslims, and changing the map of their human geography in that region of the Arab world in preparation for this Shiite tide to swallow others. From the Arab regions, using the pretext of confronting the Zionist entity, which extends its long hand to strike it in the heart and depth without moving a finger, but is satisfied with the threat and intimidation, and accordingly the saying of the pre-Islamic poet applies to him, reproaching his opponent who has slandered his honor and was unable to preserve him and avenge his dignity:

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The virgin’s snoring tightens his noose to kill me, and one is not a killer

Years have passed and the tyrannical regime in Syria does not care about denouncing the critics, nor denouncing those who denounce its past atrocities, and it has inflicted all kinds of humiliation on the people of noble races, and it has been dispersed by disgraceful factions all over the world, and it is still in this miserable state, fleeing from the oppression that mimics the types of oppression of the most tyrannical tyrants. Which history knew in the dark ages of the past.

We do not know what happened to the behavior of this regime, the worst behavior in all the world, until the League of Arab States gave it a certificate of good behavior by receiving it into its fold again without condition or restriction.

There is no doubt that the Arab League found itself facing a contradiction, and it was embarrassed by the double standards through its silence on other regimes that are no less tyrannical for its people than the Syrian regime, so it was forced to embrace it, because it is not an innovation from the totalitarian regimes in the Arab world, and it argued that bringing it back to its fold came as a result of its conviction And its belief that the Syrian problem can only be addressed through dialogue between the victim and the executioner.

With the return of the Syrian regime to the fold of the Arab League countries, and the silence over its atrocities, the last chapter of the tragedy of the Arab Spring revolutions, which were aborted in their infancy, ends. Thus, the dreams of the Arab peoples for a decent life under a democratic rule that guarantees the preservation of their dignity and respects their right to choose who governs them has been destroyed. With constitutions it drafted, and laws from its legislation, instead of ruling by iron and fire, by oppression and tyranny.

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Finally, we say that the Arab League is responsible before God Almighty, and before history, for the blood of the Syrian people that was wasted, and for the suffering of those who were tortured and died because of that, and those who are still being tortured in the terrible prisons of the regime. decent life.

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