Home » The awards for the best of digital journalism are back

The awards for the best of digital journalism are back

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The awards for the best of digital journalism are back

El Xilópalo, National Award for Digital Journalism, Organized by KienyKe, it will open its call cycle next Friday, March 3, 2023. This edition will highlight the best journalistic content published in digital ecosystems, especially those that were born from the regions.

Since it was created in 2019, the National Digital Journalism Award has sought to recognize the work of social communicators and journalists who, through their writings and content, all digital natives, have allowed Colombians to learn about and interact with different realities and problems. , but also with wonderful and magical stories that exist in all corners of the national territory.

In this, the fifth edition of these awards, the national and international juries, among which will be social communicators, journalists, writers and creatives, all prominent personalities in the world of communication media, will evaluate postulated works in nine categories and two themes. specials:

  1. Caricature and/or digital animation
  2. Influencers/Digital Content Generation by Social Networks
  3. breaking latest news
  4. Interview
  5. Report or investigation
  6. Photo reports
  7. Journalism with a gender perspective
  8. Social and environmental responsibility
  9. opinion or criticism
  10. Turismo
  11. Paz

The job registration cycle will begin this Friday, March 3, a process that will last until July 31 of the current year. Applications will be made through the

website www.premioperiodismodigital.com

Wait for it!

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