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The benefits of eating oats at night

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The benefits of eating oats at night

This cereal is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Get to know other of its healthy components.


Oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest cereals for the body and its consumption at any time of the day brings various benefits, due to its complete nutritional composition.

Information from the Mind Body portal indicates that, together with carbohydrates and fiber, oats offer more protein, fat and minerals than other cereals. It also provides good amounts of magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and zinc, as well as B vitamins.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) highlights in this product the presence of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folic acid, phytic acid, beta-glucans and vitamin E, as well as unsaturated fats, also known as good. Additionally, it is an important source of antioxidants.

Although it can be consumed at any time of the day, ingesting it at night offers some particular benefits and they are as follows.

Oats can be consumed in several ways and one of them is by mixing it with fruits such as bananas.

The overnight benefits of oats

Against constipation: One of the benefits of taking oatmeal at night is that it prevents digestive problems or constipation and abdominal inflammation in the morning. The fiber richness of this cereal helps to improve intestinal transit, avoiding heaviness and fullness, says the Cocina Fácil portal. In addition, due to its slow absorption carbohydrates, the intestine better extracts the properties of food, according to the Harvard School of Health.

Source of melatonin: Oats are a natural source of melatonin, a compound that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, according to a publication in the Mejor con Salud magazine, written by Valeria Sabater. Although it is not that it provides an immediate rest, what it does is adjust the cycle so that at bedtime the person can do so without inconvenience. Melatonin and vitamin D help in this purpose.

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Helps to lose weight: because it contains very few calories, this food helps to lose weight and increase muscle mass. For this, it is important to accompany it with a daily routine of physical exercise.

Good rest: Due to its contribution of melatonin and group B vitamins, this food is suitable to stimulate the segregation of serotonin and promote a better rest. Group B vitamins have multiple functions. The most important have to do with the proper functioning of the nervous system, while serotonin helps regulate sleep phases.

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Other benefits of this cereal

Oats are an ally of cardiovascular health. An article published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine evaluated a series of studies spanning more than a decade. In the analysis, the scientists found that eating foods rich in soluble fiber sources from whole oats (oats, oat bran, and oat flour) helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

This food contains a variety of molecules that act as antioxidants, including avenanthramides, which are polyphenols found almost exclusively in oats, according to information from the Cuerpo Mente portal.

Scientific investigations have determined that these components make it especially beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

“These antioxidants not only fight cell oxidation, but also have a regulating effect on blood pressure and an anti-inflammatory effect. This is due to the fact that they increase the production of nitric oxide, a gas that favors the dilation of blood vessels”, the aforementioned source specifies.

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Avenanthramides also help reduce skin irritation. According to a study published in the academic journal Archives of Dermatological Research, this effect is due to the anti-inflammatory action of these substances.

Finally, research published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) determined that whole grain foods, including oats, would help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

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