Home » The Canavese Mastery at the Salone dei 2000, full house in Ivrea for the gala evening

The Canavese Mastery at the Salone dei 2000, full house in Ivrea for the gala evening

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The Canavese Mastery at the Salone dei 2000, full house in Ivrea for the gala evening
A moment of the evening

Marco Peroni did the honors, On stage there were authors and associations, Cossavella: “We have to tell our land”

IVREA. Who knows what he may have thought, the bearded statue of Camillo Olivetti, who watches over the Salone dei 2000 in the Ico workshops, while Claudio Bovo was reading the farewell speech that the Ivorian industrialist had dedicated to his right arm Domenico Burzio, born forging in Olivetti and dead technical director. That speech that distills the deeper meaning of Canavese Mastery, book curated by Marco Peroni with the contribution of many authors and associations, which tells of a land of thinking hands, narrative voices and free spirits. “All jobs – said Olivetti -, if done well, require more or less an effort of intelligence, and the work of the forger more than many others, not excluding some of those who call themselves intellectuals.”

The hall was over sold out, Saturday 8, for the presentation of the book, as chairs had to be added to the armchairs already provided. It represents the culmination of a two-year work that has produced a series of live events, 15 inserts of four pages each on the Sentinel, an audio guide, and gave birth to a new publishing house, Maestria Canavesana, in fact. On stage, the protagonists of the epic narrating 17 Canavese masters took place: from Claudia Scavarda to Davide Aichino, passing through Valerio Giacoletto Papas and Giorgio Seita, up to Italo Cossavella and Claudio Bovo. To do the honors, of course, was Marco Peroni, who gave birth to and rocked the idea with the Pubblico-08 association. Particularly significant was the intervention of the bookseller Cossavella, linked by a deep friendship to Peroni. First of all, he praised the workmanship of the book, even on a technical level. “We see so many poor publications that do not even contain the index of names …” he stressed. Then, he admonished his fellow citizens: «Look how important it is to be able to tell oneself, what today they call storytelling pushes many people to visit the places. We have to learn to do it more, because we have had excellent characters. Marco knows how to do this job ».

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