Home » The candidate Otto Sonnenholzner assures that in Ecuador “there is no time to lose” to address insecurity – Diario La Hora

The candidate Otto Sonnenholzner assures that in Ecuador “there is no time to lose” to address insecurity – Diario La Hora

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The candidate Otto Sonnenholzner assures that in Ecuador “there is no time to lose” to address insecurity – Diario La Hora

UNPUBLISHED. The leader of the Alianza Actuemos (8-23) reiterated that “there is no time to lose” with insecurity. Photo: EFE

The candidate for the Presidency indicated that next Sunday will reveal the fall of correísmo and described the challenge of the candidacy of Christian Zurita as a “low” act.

The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic for the Construye Alliance (8-23), Otto Sonnenholzner, expressed during an interview with LA HORA that safety should be the main axis of government management in this year and a half remainder of the period for which they will be elected.

He pointed out that The country cannot continue waiting for answers and asked Ecuadorians not to be fooled with proposals that are not feasible in the country.

“We all understand that we need equipment and training for the public force and all this has processes, What I am looking for is an agreement that has already begun, which is the government-to-government agreement with Israel that comes to an end.”he pointed out.

Sonnenholzner stressed that this deal includes support on issues of equipment, weapons, advice, training and intelligence technology.

He stressed that Israel is one of the countries with the greatest expertise and recalled that in Ecuador “there is no time to lose”, to pay attention to the problem of insecurity. Therefore, he demanded that the government of Guillermo Lasso finalize the signing of this agreement, which will be essential to effectively combat crime in the country.

He added that having a security company does not make the owner an expert on these issues. “It is like saying that since someone has a bank, they are going to solve the problems of public finances, obviously, in Ecuador this was not the case,” he said..

Correísmo collapsed

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Sonnenholzner specified that in recent days, and as a result of the presentation in the Presidential Debate, the standard bearer of correísmo has been falling among the trends of Ecuadorian voters.

“Correísmo has collapsed, mainly due to the bad presentation that a candidate had that they have tried to keep a low profile all the time”, he pointed out.

He specified that the Citizen Revolution has maintained the strategy “that she is not the candidate, but Correa, but this is an election for the Presidency of the Republic, people want to vote for a person who has experience, capacity for service and honesty”.

He stressed that correísmo is currently in an internal crisis.

Conflict of interests

The leader of the Alianza Actuemos 8-23 specified that there is a serious conflict of interest in a candidate who is competing for the Presidency and claims to own a security companyd in the country

For Sonnenholzner, “when you own a security company, your business grows when insecurity increases, there we have a conflict of interest”.

“Beyond business with the State. I don’t know his activities and they always point him out, but a person who claims to have the largest security company in the country, would be the most harmed from resuming order in Ecuador, economically speaking, That’s a conflict of interest.”

He noted that every time an act of violence occurs, “the man is hired more cameras and more guards, that’s the business,” he said.

Respect to Villavicencio

Sonnenholzner expressed his respect and solidarity with the family of the candidate Fernando Villavicencio and described his murder as an “unheard of precedent” for Ecuadorian politics.

I regret that political sectors are spreading this pain. That contestation of the candidacy, I said when leaving the debate that it was already Shameful and painful that the responsible institutions failed to find a way so that the man who replaces Villavicencio could occupy that empty podium.”the candidate pointed out.

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He added that after the unfortunate murder of Fernando Villavicencio, the Alianza Actuemos (8-23) campaign has tried to maintain respect, “we have cut off the festive activities that we had around the campaign.”

He indicated that his campaign closures this Thursday, August 17, 2023, will be held in El Oro in the morning and in Guayaquil in the afternoon. “They are going to be focused on the solidarity and peace that the country needs,” he said. (ILS)

That they participate

In his opinion, the electoral authorities should have summoned the political actors to allow the participation of Christian Zurita in the presidential debate on Sunday, August 13.

“Let them leave them alone and let them participate,” said the Actuemos candidate about the qualification of Zurita’s candidacy.

He added that political violence has claimed the lives of at least three candidates in the country in the two electoral processes carried out this 2023.

“Beyond the fact that it has been a very violent year in relation to politicswe have two mayors who have survived attacks, the one from Portoviejo and the one from Durán, we have a mayor murdered in Manta (Agustín Intriago), our candidate for the Assembly murdered in Quinindé, that is, in six or seven months what has happened Never before in Ecuador, Sonnenholzner explained.

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