Home » “The cane unites us” arrived in Cali

“The cane unites us” arrived in Cali

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“The cane unites us” arrived in Cali

820 people benefited from more than 6,600 specialized health, well-being and recreation services, left the sixteenth day of ‘La cane unites us’, which this weekend came to Cali for the first time.

This event, led by Asocaña and its affiliated mills together with the Colombian Aerospace Force, was held at the Nuevo Latir Educational Institution, in the eastern part of the city, with the support of the Cali Mayor’s Office, the National Army, Comfandi, Colgate, Colpensiones, the Fundación Clínica Valle del Lili and the Eastern Cali Health Network.

In total, 3,609 medical services in specialties such as pediatrics, dentistry, speech therapy, physiotherapy, vaccination, gynecology, among others, were attended free of charge and regardless of age, gender, nationality or health regime.

Likewise, 3,058 services were registered, from legal guidance to training, welfare, recreation and zoonoses.

Since its inception in 2019, ‘La caña nos une’ has been carried out 16 times in the municipalities of Valle, Cauca and Risaralda, where more than 14,000 people have received care, receiving close to 79,000 services in health, well-being, recreation and employability.

During these days, in addition, more than 3,000 medical formulas have been supplied to vulnerable populations in the region.

The president of Asocaña, Claudia Calero, assured that these conferences are “thanks to the union of efforts of the private and public sectors, for the well-being of the communities. With the sugar mills we are clear that the progress of the agribusiness also depends on the progress and well-being of those around us, and we continue to work on that”.


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