Home » The city senate quickly agreed on Wels’s double budget for 2024/2025 on Friday

The city senate quickly agreed on Wels’s double budget for 2024/2025 on Friday

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The city senate quickly agreed on Wels’s double budget for 2024/2025 on Friday

This clears the way for a resolution on the 2024/2025 double budget at the local council meeting in December. The danger of an emergency budget, as raised by Mayor Andreas Rabl (FP), is now averted.

While there was agreement on most points of the approximately 280 million euro budget, there were problems with the details. The SP, VP and the Greens had formed an alliance, presented their own list of demands and refused to approve the budget in the city senate. The two sides have now come closer to each other on most points.

More money for sports clubs

For example, the “reinforcement funds” in the area of ​​sport, which are used to support clubs, will be increased by 120,000 euros instead of 70,000 euros as originally planned. There is also 70,000 euros in the social sector, which will primarily go towards child care and the prevention of violence against women. In the area of ​​education, a development concept for kindergartens and schools is to be developed.

The representatives of all parties report intensive discussions, including Mayor Rabl: “We discussed all open points and agreed on positions that everyone can take. I also see it as my job as mayor to find an intersection that is for everyone fits.”

It was important to him not to lose sight of the big picture: “In principle, it must be noted that I have presented a budget that is unique in Upper Austria: no new debts with investments of around 50 million euros,” says the city boss.

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Compromises such as the one that cuts the budget for major events even more than Rabl suggested are “bitter, but acceptable.” His party’s red lines, such as separating the slaughterhouse from the municipality, were not crossed.

Fine details negotiated

Given the overall volume of the budget, the negotiations revolved around rather small amounts of money. “The big items such as personnel and care costs are largely stipulated by law. In the little scope that remains, it’s about setting priorities,” says SP deputy mayor Klaus Schinninger.

VP City Councilor Martin Oberndorfer highlights changes in the area of ​​transparency: In the future, there will be quarterly reports in the city senate on public relations expenditure. “We would have liked to go a step further and have a shared decision-making process. But these insights allow us to exercise a certain level of control,” says Oberndorfer.

All city councilors receive pots for “assessment subsidies” for their departments, which they can use to support events, for example. In the future there will be an artistic and a commercial director at the Old Slaughterhouse. “I’m very happy that an agreement has been reached here. These are things that have been dragging on for over two years,” says Green City Councilor Thomas Rammerstorfer.


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Valentin Bayer

Editor Upper Austria

Valentin Bayer

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