Home » The city’s business environment work promotion meeting in the field of market supervision and the departmental joint “double random, one open” supervision work joint meeting were held

The city’s business environment work promotion meeting in the field of market supervision and the departmental joint “double random, one open” supervision work joint meeting were held

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Release time: 09:10, May 8, 2023Source: Hebi DailyViews:

On the afternoon of May 6, the city’s business environment work promotion meeting in the field of market supervision and the departmental joint “double random, one open” supervision work joint meeting were held. Deputy Mayor Wang Hongmin attended.

The meeting arranged and deployed the city’s market supervision field business environment and departmental joint “double random, one open” supervision work. Representatives of participating units submitted the business environment indicators and departmental joint “double random, one open” supervision work target responsibility letter.

Wang Hongmin pointed out that the assessment of the province’s business environment in 2022 has entered a critical stage of sprinting. All counties, districts, and relevant units must firmly shoulder their political responsibilities, earnestly recognize the situation, gaps, and changes, and do a good job in all aspects of business environment construction in an attitude of being responsible for Hebi, responsible for work, and responsible for themselves. item of work. It is necessary to act quickly, address the problems existing in the work, prescribe the right medicine, and implement precise policies. Normalization, standardization, precision, intelligence, and long-term improvement of the three indicators of starting a business, market supervision, and intellectual property creation, protection, and use, strive to achieve more. Good results. It is necessary to seize the last “window period” before the evaluation, compare the evaluation requirements and the index system, optimize the innovation measures, strengthen the departmental coordination, make more efforts in supervision and inspection, and improve the service quality and efficiency to ensure that Successfully complete various goals and tasks, and make due contributions to the city’s business environment work to a new level.

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