Home » The difficult panorama for LGBTIQ+ people in Colombia

The difficult panorama for LGBTIQ+ people in Colombia

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The difficult panorama for LGBTIQ+ people in Colombia

In Medellín, one of the main cities in Colombia, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation announced that alarms were raised in the last year because the authorities detected a wave of violence against LGBTI people that they related to the use of dating applications for homosexuals.

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The case of Christian Esteban Gómez Patiño is one of those remembered in recent months, since the lifeless body of the young man who was subjected to some restraints. In the judicial file it was recorded that he “was in his residence, in bed, tied hand and foot.”

Transsexual women and men continue to be the most attacked. This being a population historically discriminated against and that requires effective protection mechanisms and actions that have been denied to them.

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