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The ghost of unemployment

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The ghost of unemployment

Citizen concern about what could happen in Colombia as of this February 12, when the opposition and government marches begin, is understandable, since the precedent of the 2021 national strike, which led to blockades, destruction and violence, revives in the collective memory moments that the country neither deserves nor should repeat.

In this sense, those who call the mobilizations on both sides must understand the responsibility that assists them, since the tone and the ways in which they manifest themselves will depend to a great extent on the direction that the marches take.

In the social outbreak of 2021, the streets were taken over by opponents of the government of then President Iván Duque; However, on this occasion there is an additional factor of tension that generates greater concern, because in addition to opponents of President Gustavo Petro, government sympathizers will also take to the streets, summoned by the head of state himself, which raises fears that they will appear citizen confrontations.

Here we must make a call to responsibility to the leaders of both shores, and also a call to good sense to those who identify with the opposition and with the government, so that they understand that Colombia cannot open the door to confrontations between citizens.

In a country with a history of political violence as great as ours, you cannot fall into a trap that triggers a civil war. Both must express their ideas, oppose President Petro’s initiatives or support them, but with respect for those who have opposing positions and being clear that there is an institution, in this case the Congress of the Republic, which will be in charge of approving or denying projects presented by the government.

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A few days before the marches, the government and the opposition must tone down the language and make clear calls to demonstrate in peace.


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