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The healing magic of forgiveness

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The healing magic of forgiveness

“Forgiving others is a gift to yourself, a healing medicine for many of our physical and emotional illnesses.”
Arnold Fox y Barry Fox

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In July 2017, Contacto Magazine published my writing Forgiveness, the best self-gift. When I wrote this writing, I did not know the book in the epigraph, where the authors show how this fourth cardinal virtue allows us to achieve health, success and happiness. I had read about forgiveness in books The mind in human relationships (Dan Custer), You can heal your life y The power is within you (Louis Hay), Turn problems into opportunities (Carlos Devis and Ana Mercedes Pérez) and Trojan horse 9 (JJ Benítez), among others. But as a result of what was experienced at the Men’s School (promoted in 2007 by Jorge Vergara Madrigal, founder of Omnilife), whose workshop number three The healing power of Forgiveness, I began to search for and apply techniques to forgive. This is why I shared with the readers of the magazine the topic of forgiveness, because of the importance of achieving positive changes, both on a personal and social level.

Today I have a greater awareness of the benefits of forgiveness, the spiritual cleansing procedure to heal our lives and open us to prosperity, success and happiness. In my writing Letting go of unnecessary burdens: A dynamic of life to move towards success and happiness I explain the four learning processes for a conscious evolution of the human being: ingest, digest, assimilate and excrete. Defecating is a necessary process to clean physical waste from our body, breathing is an essential process to remove negative feelings on an emotional-mental level and forgiving is the process to break chains that imprison the soul.

Doctors Fox explain in their book that they have seen among their patients, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, that many cannot forgive and forget the wounds they have suffered, in addition to carrying a terrible amount of guilt. And when a person refuses to forgive someone, it destroys them inside, sending messages of anguish to the surface, and that is what causes the illness. If people don’t let go of their anger, they can get sick. I would like you to understand this well, because you can heal yourself by forgiving.

The following explanation from Doctors Fox is very important: “If you are angry with someone, if you have not forgiven them, you are retaining anger, shame, humiliation, pain, frustration and other very negative feelings. Allowing those emotions to fester in the mind leads to the constant, inadequate production of chemicals in the body that are dangerous when present in the wrong proportions. Accepting anger, for example, triggers the production of high-voltage chemicals in the body, such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormones, and cortisone. These and other chemicals are needed by the body when we physically have to flee or fight for our lives. But if there is no one to hit or somewhere to run, a body full of these substances is a time bomb ready to explode..”

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Do you see? Not forgiving makes people sick, various symptoms appear that attack those who do not forgive, not the person with whom they are angry. Let’s look at some consequences that Doctors Fox explained to their patients: “With the overproduction of adrenaline comes muscle contractions in the neck and head. This generates headaches caused by vascular tension. An unnecessary secretion of certain chemicals in the nervous tissue and other parts of the body causes the heart to hit like a big hammer in your chest and beat irregularly. The substances produced by unforgiveness also generate stomach pains that doctors call erosive gastritis, or peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, or esophagitis. And those episodes of diarrhea that we say are related to irritable bowel syndrome, are actually related to those same chemicals.”

But pride or arrogance leads most people to consider that they should not give the other person the satisfaction of forgiving them, because their bruised ego still feels offended. This inconsistent haughtiness with oneself leads to poisoning the body with unnecessary and constant chemicals produced by anger, rage, anger, hatred, aroused by resentment or guilt. Whoever suffers from these symptoms, which can become chronic diseases and die from them, is the person who does not forgive. Forgiving allows the body to lower those chemicals that produce inflammation of cells and organs of the body and sadness in the soul. For this reason, forgiveness is a gift to oneself, as Dr. Fox expresses it, and they specify that the lack of forgiveness is the real illness of many of the symptoms that manifest in the body or soul. Wow, forgiving is magical to achieve health, success and happiness.

The distinguished Bolivian indigenous writer Luis Espinoza, known as Chamalú, who is a thinker, a philosopher of life, a comprehensive educator, poet and promoter of happiness, disciple of life and student of freedom, in his masterpiece Wind write the following: “What is well done, recognize it and be grateful. What seems wrong to you, point it out with serenity and firmness, with tenderness; When beyond the error you see a good intention, give another opportunity and forgive, forgive as many times as necessary. Forgiveness is purifying.” (Bold own).

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Let us keep in mind that forgiveness is a principle of nature, as Dan Custer explains in the book The mind in human relationships when he writes: “Nature always forgives; She gives everything and forgives everything. If you cut your hand with a sharp knife, the forces of nature immediately prepare to repair the damage. It was a mistake for you to cut your hand, but nature does not resist repairing the wound, but immediately forgets and immediately begins to carry out the repair..”

Chamalú’s message to his daughter Wayra implies humility, as I explained in my writing Forgiveness, the best self-gift, because we are perfectible beings, who learn from mistakes. People are generally offended because they take everything personally, and they resent a rude, crude, or violent action by others. Let’s keep in mind that when a person tries to hurt you, humiliate you or trample on your dignity, what they are actually doing is covering up their own fear and low self-esteem, because they see in you someone superior, someone they envy or see with greater power.

Don’t let resentment continue to affect your health (physical dimension) and block key areas of your life (financial, family, social, professional, intellectual and spiritual). With forgiveness you will purify your life and magical changes will occur in your health and you will achieve what you longed for (success) and you will be happier. Surely you will think: —That’s great Carlos, what you share with us is very interesting. What is forgiveness? I want to learn to forgive, what should I do? —

Forgiveness is a mental act aimed at completely erasing the incident of the old offense to cleanse our mind as if it had never happened, that is, erasing it from our consciousness. First of all, it is necessary to let go of guilt. since a feeling of guilt is the most common cause of mental and nervous disorders, and this manifests itself, as explained before, in illness. A feeling of guilt is sometimes called a “conflict of conscience” that arises under the feeling of having done something wrong, which inevitably causes disorders and pain in the body. Hence the need for forgiveness.

Secondly, forgive others, that is, everyone who has hurt you at some point in your life; even the thief who took the money you were carrying to pay a lien to save your house or the drunk driver who ran over and blinded your son’s life. Thirdly, forgive the past, since it is possible that we have, consciously or unconsciously, a resentment against someone who we feel hurt us in childhood, a person who frustrated our ambitions and whom we consider responsible for our present state of inferiority. and our lack of success now. That feeling of hatred, that unconscious anxiety will largely keep us from living a happy and prosperous life in the present moment. Like a child, we may have felt that our parents did not love us enough, that they treated us unfairly. In this case we will never be able to completely settle the matter until we understand why they acted that way; but once understood, we will forgive them.

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And, fourthly, forgive God. Bye bye? Yes, we have to forgive God for those experiences that we have consciously or unconsciously censored the Creator, because they think that God is responsible for the suffering in the world. Many people, when they contemplate the chaotic conditions of the world today, seem to feel that God has failed in the task; They do not understand that God has nothing to do with the miserable conditions of the world. These bad conditions arise in the negative mind, in the negative faith of man himself; and yet some people have always blamed God for his sorrows and afflictions. We are creators of our own reality, God is not to blame for the bad things that happen in our lives. Forgive God and know that your positive faith will allow you health, success and happiness.

Now, based on the above, perform the following prayers every day, in the morning and at night, shared by Doctors Fox, until you feel that forgiveness has freed you and you begin to see significant changes in health, success and happiness.

Self-forgiveness: “At this very moment and forever, by the virtue of God within me, I freely, voluntarily and without hesitation forgive myself for all the wrongs I have committed in the past. I see and visualize myself free of guilt and fear. I release all guilt and fear from my life. I let them go and feel good. Now I am free to be what I should be, to do what I should do and have what I should have..”

I see forgiveness: “Today, here and now, I freely forgive all those who have hurt me with words or deeds. Today, here and now, I forgive myself for any wrong I have committed. I am now wonderfully free to be the person I want to be and have the successful, happy, healthy life I so richly deserve. I see forgiveness everywhere because I see it in myself.”

Forgiving is conducive to contributing to the construction of a better world.

By: Carlos Rafael Melo Freyle

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