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The inner basis of “Marxist action”-求真网

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Why is the Communist Party of China and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good? In the final analysis, it is because of Marxism!” In historical significance, he pointed out that “the party’s centuries of struggle has demonstrated the strong vitality of Marxism” and emphasized that “the scientific and truthful nature of Marxism has been fully tested in China, and the people and practicality of Marxism have been fully implemented in China. , The openness and modernity of Marxism have been fully demonstrated in China.” This important statement, based on the party’s major achievements and historical experience, profoundly interprets the inner basis of the “Marxist action.”

The scientific and truthfulness of Marxism has been fully tested in China

Marxism is a scientific theory, a truth that has been tested by history and practice. This theory creatively reveals the laws of human social development, points out the direction for the development and progress of human society, and illuminates the way for mankind to explore the laws of history and seek self-liberation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Marxism not only profoundly changed the world, but also profoundly changed China.” Marx and Engels highly affirmed the contribution of Chinese civilization to the progress of human civilization, scientifically foreseen the emergence of “Chinese socialism”, and even thought of them. The new China has taken a beautiful name-“Republic of China”. After the October Revolution, China’s advanced elements accepted and believed in Marxism and established the Communist Party of China. For hundreds of years, Marxism has always been the party’s guiding ideology and has never changed; it has always been the spiritual belief of the Chinese Communists and has never changed; it has always been the party’s ideological weapon for the great social revolution and great self-revolution, and has never been shelved. . It is precisely because Marxism has influenced and led generations of Chinese Communists and the Chinese people so extensively, deeply and lastingly, and so scientifically, accurately and effectively provides basic principles for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Won a great victory and glory.

The scientific and truthfulness of Marxism has been fully tested in China. It was realized in the process of the Chinese Communists creatively combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific reality and with the excellent Chinese traditional culture. It was achieved in Marxism. The major theoretical results of Sinicization have been applied in the process of scientific guidance in practice in various historical periods over the past 100 years. They have been realized in the process of the Chinese Communists uniting the adherence to Marxism and the development of Marxism, so that Marxism can remain vigorous forever. . Mao Zedong Thought is the creative application and development of Marxism-Leninism in China. It is a correct theoretical principle and experience summary on the Chinese revolution and construction that has been proven in practice. It is the first historic leap in the Sinicization of Marxism. The living soul of Mao Zedong Thought is the standpoints, viewpoints, and methods that run through each component, embodied in the three basic aspects of seeking truth from facts, mass line, and independence, providing scientific guidance for the development of the party and the people. The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics provides scientific answers to a series of basic development paths, development stages, fundamental tasks, development momentum, development strategies, political guarantees, reunification of the motherland, diplomacy and international strategies, leadership and relying forces for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The problem is that we persist in and develop Marxism based on new practices and the characteristics of the times, and have achieved a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism. It is the correct theory that guides the party and the people in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism, 21st-century Marxism, the essence of the Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, and has achieved a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism.

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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has conducted in-depth thinking and scientific judgments on a series of major theoretical and practical issues related to the development of the party and the country in the new era. Put forward many landmark and leading new viewpoints. Adhere to the overall leadership of the party, comprehensively govern the party strictly, economic construction, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, political construction, comprehensive rule of law, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction, national defense and army construction, maintenance of national security, and adherence to “one country, two systems” “In terms of advancing the reunification of the motherland and diplomatic work, the party and the country have made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. This series of original thoughts, transformative practices, breakthrough progress, and landmark achievements fully proved the scientificity and truthfulness of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The people and practicality of Marxism are fully implemented in China

Popularity and practicality are the basic attributes of Marxism. The reason why Marxism has the influence of transcending countries and eras is that it is rooted in the people, and it has pointed out the right way of relying on the people to promote the advancement of history in the world. Marxism was founded in order to change the historical destiny of the people, was formed in the practice of the people’s solution to liberation, and was also enriched and developed in the practice of the people’s solution to liberation. Proceeding from the strong desire to overthrow the three mountains, save the country and the people, and rejuvenate the nation, China’s advanced elements found Marxism. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has made it its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The people’s character and practicality of Marxism are highly integrated with the original mission of the party, which determines that the people’s character and practicality of Marxism will inevitably be fully implemented in the continuous progress of the Communist Party of China. The party has its main tasks in each historical period. These tasks have their respective focal points and characteristics, but they are all realistic tasks for fulfilling the original mission of the party, and they are the Chinese embodiment of the people’s character and practicality of Marxism.

For one hundred years, all theories and practices of the party have focused on the theme of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They have worked tirelessly for national independence, the liberation of the people, and the realization of the country’s prosperity and the people’s happiness. People’s character and practicality. During the new democratic revolution, the party united and led the people to realize the great leap from feudal autocracy to people’s democracy in China for thousands of years. Since then, the Chinese people have stood up and created fundamental social conditions for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the party united and led the people to achieve the most extensive and profound social changes in the history of the Chinese nation, and realized the great leap of a poor and populous eastern country into a socialist society, in order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Lay the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional foundation. In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the party united and led the people to achieve a historic leap from insufficient food and clothing to an overall well-off life, and promoted the great leap from standing up to becoming prosperous for the Chinese nation. The Great Rejuvenation provides a guarantee of new vitality and the material conditions for rapid development. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party has united and led the people to build a well-off society in an all-round way, won the battle against poverty, and embarked on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and a more active spiritual force.

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Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has clearly stated that the fundamental goal is to adhere to the people-centered approach to meet the people’s ever-increasing needs for a better life. The overall development of people and the common prosperity of all people have achieved more obvious substantive progress. The series of viewpoints for the happiness of the people, especially in the fight against the epidemic, emphasized that “the people are supreme, life is supreme, and the safety and health of the people can be protected at all costs.” It is the people’s heart to protect the country, fight against the country, and guard the country,” which clearly embodies the fundamental political position of Xi Jinping’s people’s stance on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core takes great historical initiative, great political courage, and strong responsibility to coordinate the overall domestic and international situations, and manage great struggles, great projects, great undertakings, and great dreams, and advance the great social revolution. With the party’s self-revolution, it has overcome a series of major risks and challenges, solved many long-term problems that have not been solved, and has done many major things that have been wanted but failed to be done in the past. It has promoted the party and the country’s cause to achieve historic achievements and occurrences. Historic change. The party has led the people to be self-confident, self-reliant, upright and innovative, and has created great achievements in socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The openness and modernity of Marxism are fully demonstrated in China

Marxism is an open theory that is constantly evolving, always standing at the forefront of the times. A history of the development of Marxism is the history of Marx, Engels and their successors who continue to develop according to the times, practice, and understanding. It is the history of continuously absorbing all the excellent ideological and cultural achievements in human history to enrich their own history. Therefore, Marxism can always maintain its beautiful youth, continuously explore new topics raised by the development of the times, and respond to new challenges faced by human society. After the founding of the Communist Party of China, generations of Chinese Communists have continuously promoted the modernization of Marxism in China in accordance with the development requirements and main tasks of the times, and have continuously made original contributions to the development of Marxism. Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the “Three Represents”, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era are all major achievements and vivid proofs of the openness and epochal nature of Marxism.

The complex situations and major issues that Chinese Communists face in different historical periods are mostly those that the classic Marxist writers have not given answers. They demand that generations of Communists emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts, advance with the times, seek truth and be pragmatic. , Wrote the “China Chapter” of upholding and developing Marxism. Over the past 100 years, the times have changed, tasks have been constantly shifted, and problems have continued to emerge. For our party, even the existing ideological and theoretical results of the Sinicization of Marxism cannot exhaust all the exploration of truth and give us some ideas for the future. All the answers must be developed on the basis of inheritance and promote a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism, so as to ensure that the party’s guiding ideology is always full of vitality and continuous enrichment and development. Mao Zedong Thought pointed out the right direction for the victory of the new democratic revolution and guided the realization of the transition from new democracy to socialism; Deng Xiaoping Theory focused on answering the fundamental questions of what socialism is and how to build socialism, and the important thinking of the “Three Represents” Deepen the understanding of what socialism is, how to build socialism, what kind of party to build, and how to build a party. The Scientific Outlook on Development deeply understands and answers major questions about what kind of development and how to develop under the new situation; Xi Jinpingxinxin The ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the era deeply answers what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics to uphold and develop in the new era, how to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, what kind of modern socialist country to build, how to build a modern socialist country, and what to build A long-term ruling Marxist party, how to build a long-term ruling Marxist party, and other major issues of the times, put forward a series of original new ideas, new ideas and strategies for governing the country, and wrote the “new era” of Marxism in China. .

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Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was created and continuously enriched and developed through in-depth thinking and profound summary of the theory and practice of scientific socialism, unremitting exploration and forging ahead in the persistence and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The important theoretical crystallization of historical achievements and historical changes since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has put forward many original ideas and viewpoints. For example, it is proposed that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; made a scientific judgment on the changes in the main contradictions in our society in the new era; emphasized the adherence and improvement of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the advancement The national governance system and governance capabilities are modernized. Another example is to propose a two-step strategic arrangement to build a socialist modern power in an all-round way, emphasizing the important features and significant advantages of my country’s modernization. For example, the key to doing things in China well lies in the party. The key lies in the party’s management of the party and strict management of the party, emphasizing the leadership of the party’s political construction, fulfilling the political responsibility of governing the party, and advancing the anti-corruption struggle in depth. Lead the great social revolution with the great self-revolution. These strategic ideas and innovative ideas deepen the understanding of the laws of the Communist Party’s governance, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of the development of human society with a brand new vision. They are the full manifestation of the openness and epochal nature of Marxism in China, and make Marxism brand new. The display of the image in the world has brought about a major transformation in favor of socialism in the historical evolution and competition of the two ideologies of socialism and capitalism, and the two social systems in the world.

(Author: Yan Xiaofeng, a special researcher of Beijing Xi Jinping’s Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)

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