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the jaguarundi

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the jaguarundi

The jaguarundi puma is a feline with a coat that lacks spots. In this way, their skin has no commercial value. Discover here other aspects of his life.


In America we have different types of cats. One of the most widely distributed is the jaguarundi or jaguarundi. With many other different names such as cat otter, colorado, moro, leoncillo, tigrillo, onza and león breñero. Do you want to know a little more about this mammal?

Its scientific name is Herpailurus yagouaroundi. However, some experts consider it a member of the Puma genus, so its exact taxonomy is under review. If you want to know all the details of its life, continue reading this space in which we present aspects of its habitat, its characteristics, its behavior and its state of conservation.

Where does the jaguarundi puma live?

This cat is found in very diverse habitats that include open, closed, dry or rainy places. Thus, it can occupy the bushes, the savannahs, the forests, the swamps, but it always protects itself in the vegetal cover. In addition, it prefers areas close to water sources, such as streams, rivers or some lakes. Its range of altitude is wide and ranges from sea level to 3200 meters high.

Just as its altitude range is wide, so is its distribution. It is located on the American continent. In this way, this mammal is located from the United States, south of Texas, to Argentina, which is why it is the second member of the felid family with the greatest geographical range.

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Characteristics of the young lion

Although it belongs to the Felidae family, it has a longer and thinner body, with short limbs, a small head, rounded ears, and an elongated tail (measuring between 33 and 30 centimeters).

The body size of this feline is medium or small, since they can barely reach 77 centimeters in length and between 4.5 to 9 kilograms in weight. In addition, males acquire larger dimensions than females.

Regarding its fur, we can mention that it is smooth, short and of a uniform color, which varies between black-grayish and lighter yellow-reddish tones. Thanks to these discrepancies in tonalities, it was thought that they were two different species.

Jaguarundi Behavior

The Moorish cat is a terrestrial animal, with excellent abilities to move in the trees. He is also a good swimmer. Their range of activity is greater during the day. However, it can present dynamism in some hours of the night.

It is stealthy and has a fairly wide and varied vocal repertoire, which includes up to 13 different types of sounds or calls. In addition, it can communicate chemically, using urine and other scent markings.

What does the jaguarundi puma eat?

As far as its diet is concerned, it is a carnivorous and hunting specimen. It feeds on small mammals (mainly rodents) and other animals, such as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Their prey have a stipulated weight of 380 or 400 grams, but they are also reported to be slightly larger than 1 kilogram of body mass.

Reproduction of the Moorish cat

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Like all mammals, it reproduces sexually, but its reproductive season is variable in different geographical areas. Thus, it can occur throughout the year, around 1 or 2 times.

Females display characteristic behaviors when in heat, such as spraying urine around their territory. In addition to rolling on his back and making soft calls. During copulation, the male may bite his mate’s neck. They also produce loud sounds.

Its scientific name is Herpailurus yagouaroundi.

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