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The land of lockdowns

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The land of lockdowns

After several months in which there have been roadblocks throughout the national territory, it seems that the government of President Gustavo Petro finally understood the seriousness of allowing roadblocks.

A few days ago, the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes, said that this type of action will no longer be allowed.

“The blockades, everything that affects mobility, is an irregular event that has consequences in terms of subpoenas and has the possibility of immobilizations being applied,” said the minister.

Although late, it is good news that the national government has reconsidered in the face of a phenomenon with which it has been more than permissive and which, in one way or another, was encouraged by the head of state and many of the members of his political coalition. before coming to the government.

Roadblocks stimulate chaos, confrontations between citizens, affect the economy and limit all the rights related to the free movement of people, who cannot go to their jobs, places of study or medical appointments.

In this sense, allowing them is leaving the communities that live in the areas surrounding the blocked roads unprotected.

In addition, when the authorities do not intervene, the protesters become empowered and fall into even more serious excesses, such as physical attacks and burning of vehicles of those who, in full use of their rights, dare to cross.

Hopefully the government complies with the announcement made by the Minister of Transportation. Because of the winter, and now with the collapse of the bridge between Quindío and Valle del Cauca, there are many sections of the country blocked, enough to allow more road blockages. If the authorities do not act, Colombia will become a paralyzed country.

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