Home » The officers and soldiers of a certain brigade of the army learn from Lei Feng based on their posts, and become pioneers with martial arts skills

The officers and soldiers of a certain brigade of the army learn from Lei Feng based on their posts, and become pioneers with martial arts skills

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The officers and soldiers of a certain brigade of the army learn from Lei Feng based on their posts, and become pioneers with martial arts skills

  The officers and soldiers of a certain brigade of the army learn from Lei Feng based on their posts, and they are able to be a pioneer in martial arts——

  Firmly carry the “Lei Feng’s gun”

■Liberation Army Daily reporter Mei Shixiong Wang Jia correspondent Jiang Zitian

  On February 12, the “Lei Feng Squad” of the brigade organized officers and soldiers to carry out snow tactical training.Photo by Tan Changjun

In Fushun, Liaoning Province, on the south bank of the Hun River, the tomb of Lei Feng surrounded by green cypresses is particularly solemn and solemn. On February 17, officers and soldiers of Lei Feng’s former army and a certain brigade of the army came here to carry out memorial and sweeping activities, remembering the old squad leader and forging a strong military will.

More than 60 years ago, 22-year-old Lei Feng unfortunately died in the line of duty. The Sri Lankan people are gone, but the spirit lives forever.

“You must be the seeds of Lei Feng’s spirit, and broadcast Lei Feng’s spirit on the land of the motherland.” As the descendants of Lei Feng, the officers and soldiers of the brigade consciously practice and carry forward the Lei Feng spirit. The “Lei Feng” sentry posts, “Lei Feng” transport vehicles, and “Lei Feng” engineering equipment in the camp have witnessed the consistent persistence of officers and soldiers; “”Learn from Lei Feng” and become a typical representative among officers and soldiers…

In the army where Lei Feng was alive, learning Lei Feng is a compulsory course for every officer and soldier. Walking into the camp area, you can see Lei Feng sculptures, hanging portraits of Lei Feng, abstract slogans of Lei Feng’s diary, etc. everywhere. Mao Xinxin, a private soldier of the “Lei Feng Company”, joined the army from Lei Feng’s hometown – Wangcheng, Hunan Province after graduating from university, and came to the army where Lei Feng was in as he wished. He said that as soon as he got off the company, the brigade arranged for new comrades-in-arms to visit the “Lei Feng Company” and “Lei Feng Squad” and watch the movies “Lei Feng” and “The Days of Leaving Lei Feng”. These activities made Mao Xinxin re-acquainted with Lei Feng: “He is not only helping others and doing good deeds, but also a good soldier who loves his job, works hard and works hard.”

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The brigade organizes a monthly Lei Feng spiritual education class, organizes officers and soldiers to recall Lei Feng’s deeds on important anniversaries, and continues to carry out special activities such as continuing to write Lei Feng’s diary and singing Lei Feng’s songs, so that the spirit of Lei Feng can infiltrate the hearts of officers and soldiers.

Learn from Lei Feng at your post, and be a pioneer with a strong army. In 2021, Xu Yongfu, a first-class sergeant major, will be transferred to the repair company of the brigade. Faced with a new job and a new major, he learned from scratch, studied hard, and was able to work independently in only half a year. His comrades-in-arms all said that he really “does what he does, loves what he does, concentrates on what he does, and is like a screw, riveting deeper and deeper in his post, and tightening it more and more”.

In the vast snow field, military training is busy. Soldiers of the “Lei Feng Squad” drove vehicles to cross corners and obstacles, flexibly avoided “craters”, and crushed ice and snow all the way… As descendants of Lei Feng, they always follow the old squad leader and demand themselves with high standards.

The spirit of Lei Feng, this bright red flag, led the officers and soldiers of the brigade to charge to the high grounds: Ye Zigui became a peacekeeping pioneer through layers of selection; Yi Yongshuai participated in the “International Military Competition-2020” and won the heavy equipment transport vehicle The second place in the cycling race and the relay race; Su Yuhang participated in the brigade sharpshooter competition and won the crown…

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In the “Lei Feng class”, two cabinets full of letters attracted the attention of reporters. Mou Zhenhua, the current 27th squad leader of the “Lei Feng Class”, said that in 1963, Comrade Mao Zedong published the inscription “Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”. Since then, these letters have been flying in from all over the world. At present, the company has received more than 470,000 letters. “During the exchange of letters, Lei Feng’s story has been widely spread, and the seeds of Lei Feng’s spirit have also been scattered all over the country.”

Among them, there is a special letter. In 1963, the class received a letter with a red scarf. In the letter, the writer sincerely invited the fighters of the “Lei Feng Class” to be their out-of-school counselors to provide children with revolutionary traditional education. Mou Zhenhua said that a succession of officers and soldiers inherited the fine traditions and carried forward the spirit of Lei Feng. He has been invited to serve as an off-campus counselor in more than 500 schools, telling Lei Feng’s story and giving reports to millions of students.

Over the past 60 years, the brigade’s “Lei Feng Squad” and dozens of glorious groups such as “Wang Jie Squad”, “Dong Cunrui Squad” and “Flag Squad” have maintained close ties: officers and soldiers jointly held activities to publicize advanced deeds, carry out training and mutual learning, Share training experience. They have also established co-construction relationships with more than 500 units and groups, including the Youth League Committee of Peking University, Liaoning Provincial Library, and Guo Mingyi’s loving team; The captain of the “Veterans Learn from Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team” is active in the streets and alleys of the community… The spirit of Lei Feng has taken root, blossomed and bear fruit all over the country.

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Wherever you go, you will practice Lei Feng’s spirit. In 2020, the brigade will select the eighth batch of peacekeeping engineering units to go to Mali to complete tasks with high standards. At the same time, it will also build an overseas Lei Feng Memorial Hall, form a Lei Feng service team, and donate school supplies to local educational institutions…

“Promote the spirit of Lei Feng and strive to strengthen the army.” Under the sunshine, the red slogan in the brigade’s barracks was particularly eye-catching, and the statue of Lei Feng was shining brightly. As the descendants of Lei Feng in the new era, the officers and soldiers of the brigade firmly carried the “Lei Feng’s gun”, determined to continue to write more moving chapters on the journey of strengthening the army…

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