Home » The position on the Palestinian issue is not subject to bidding – Al-Ghad TV

The position on the Palestinian issue is not subject to bidding – Al-Ghad TV

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The position on the Palestinian issue is not subject to bidding – Al-Ghad TV

The Moroccan Royal Court issued a statement regarding what it said were some irresponsible abuses and serious fallacies by the Justice and Development Party regarding the Rabat-Tel Aviv relationship, and linking it to developments in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Bureau stressed that Morocco’s position on the Palestinian issue is irreversible, and is a priority for foreign policy and is not subject to political bidding or electoral campaigns.

He added that the foreign policy of Morocco is the prerogative of the king by virtue of the constitution, and he manages it based on the national constants and the supreme interests of the country, pointing out that the international relations of Rabat cannot be the subject of blackmail and exploitation of Morocco’s foreign policy in an internal partisan agenda, which constitutes a dangerous and unacceptable precedent.

The Bureau indicated that the resumption of relations between Morocco and Israel took place in well-known circumstances and in a context known to all.

The royal court said that at that time the political parties, some leading personalities and a number of bodies concerned with the Palestinian cause were informed of this decision, as they expressed their commitment to it.

Dr. Miloud Belkadi, head of the Moroccan Observatory for Strategic and Political Studies, said, through the Magharebia Hessah program, that the Justice and Development Party has not yet woken up from the earthquake of the September 2021 elections, and is now trying to return to the scene again.

Belkadi pointed out that the Royal Court’s statement came as a response to these provocative statements by the Justice and Development Party, and to confirm the firm position of the Moroccan monarchy on the Palestinian issue.

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The head of the Moroccan Observatory stressed that no Moroccan can accept that anyone defends the Zionist entity, as it is a racist, destructive Zionist movement, which was confirmed by the clear and unambiguous Moroccan statement.

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