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The power of prayer

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The power of prayer

The unfolding of grace

Grace unfolds when we let it. When we stop interfering in the affairs of others, when we stop
trying to control, convince, influence or pressure others, we give them the space they need to follow their hearts. This is good for us. We do not want them to follow us if it is not for their highest good. After all, your highest good and ours are one and the same. This is something we have to learn. We think we can elevate ourselves by putting others down. We think we can get what we want by controlling others. But it’s not true. What hurts others ends up hurting us too.

We must learn to set good boundaries. We have to give others space to be who they are. You must honor their choices and ask them to honor ours. When life brings us together harmoniously, we can dance. When it takes us in different directions, we have to let go. In the end, no one really knows what is good for themselves. We think we know, but we only see a very limited perspective. We have to let go of this limited perspective in order to understand the big picture. If we want to fully understand and appreciate the purpose another person has in our lives, we must allow that other person to come and go freely.

When we all follow our hearts, grace unfolds and we unfold with it. The Tao is present in the hearts and minds of human beings. So we can see and appreciate the dance of life.

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One of the biggest lessons we learn on our spiritual path is to get out of the way. We learn to let go of our expectations, our intentions, our need to control. We surrender our ego and let the dice fall where they will. As hard as we try, we have no control over where they will land. Therefore, why bother? It’s no use.

The great discovery of our path occurs when we understand that our greatest good unfolds when we step aside and let things happen. Of course, we strive to speak up and act when the place or time is not right. We do things to the best of our ability and then “let go and let God do it”. We trust the universe.

Doing things to the best of our ability is and always will be enough. Knowing this deep in our hearts, we leave the results in the hands of the universal laws of love that operate in our lives.

Important things to remember:

1. Refrain from acting in a way that puts pressure and stress on you and others.

2. It is not enough to do what you want. You have to be able to proceed peacefully. Otherwise, it’s not worth doing.

3. Doing and not doing should have the same weight in your practice.

4. If it’s not for your highest good and the highest good of others, don’t do it.

5. Say and do things that are useful. Avoid saying and doing hurtful things.

By: Armando Martí

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