Home » The Russian Federation was outraged by the plans to rename it in Ukraine

The Russian Federation was outraged by the plans to rename it in Ukraine

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The Russian Federation was outraged by the plans to rename it in Ukraine

Volodymyr Putin, who is considered “wrong” in studying the distorted history of Ukraine-Rus, began to “complain” after President Volodymyr Zelensky instructed Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to study the possibility of renaming Russia to Muscovy.

“Masha without a head”, as the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Sakharova has been called recently, said that this was “evidence of an attempt to create an “anti-Russia”.

“Bunkerny proves us right every day. Here is another evidence of an attempt to create “anti-Russia” from Ukraine. she wrote on the social network.

Note that Sakharov and other “Russian diplomats” are trying to stick the nickname “bunker” to Zelensky, in order to bring him under Putin. But with any combination of the phrase “bunker grandfather” Google still produces materials about the Kremlin’s Nedofuehrer.

What prompted the writing of such an “important” post?

The fact is that the day before, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy considered an electronic petition, the author of which proposes to officially rename the name “Russia” to “Moscow” and replace the terms “Russian” with “Moscow” and “Russian Federation” with “Moscow Federation”. That is, it is proposed to restore historical justice, because, as is known, the name “Rus” actually belongs to Ukraine and was unjustly usurped by Muscovites in the 17th century.

We will remind you that on March 14, Russia will convene a meeting of the UN Security Council, where it plans to “focus on Russophobia as a factor that prevents the search for a long-term and sustainable solution to the Ukrainian crisis.”

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